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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Oh wow. I didn’t even notice that. I have no idea as I’m not a big RPG fan so unless a game has elements of it and that got included I haven’t got a Scooby.
  2. Pretty much what I thought there. Disney Dreamlight Valley was my first game of the year and featured in two months for most played. 26 games for a total of 954 hours. Bummer. Need to hit 1,000. Tears of the Kingdom had 281 hours, Animal Crossing still up there with 162, and Smash with 103. I feel AC may drop off next year, I’m still playing for 10 or so minutes each day but apart from a few models and HHP there’s just not much else for me to do now. Seeing Party games third on the gaming trends can only be because of Mario Party Nights. I’m assuming it knows what N64 games we are playing. If not then I don’t know what it could have been. Maybe Turtles, which did get a bit of play with others from here.
  3. 7 hours later and he was still up for preorder. Yay got him. That means apart from a couple variants I have a complete Smash Amiibo collection.
  4. Right, since it wasn't on the stream as @S.C.G wasnt there yet. Enjoy this. Terry (me) vs Samus (@RedShell)
  5. So true, And I can't seem to find out what the different control schemes are? If you go into the setting and controls, there are four option for controls but they don't seem to do anything.
  6. Some great matches tonight. Sorry I had to close the room to open again after custom stages, I couldn't seem to turn them off (or find out where) Anyway I need to get the video of Terry (me) vs Samus (@RedShell) off of the Switch to post it (it was a custom stage one) as I had the best moment with Terry near to the end. Shout out to the insane combo right at the start on Norfair, and the double match with Triple R.O.B and Doctor Mario.
  7. I'll see if I have a set up for tonight, I think it's time because last week was theme and we go Time, Stamina Stock, I think. Either way I think we go with time. I'll try to get custom stages set up for half past 7. I'll be on VC @S.C.G if you need help setting up. Room for custom stages open.
  8. The AC Roost coasters are back in stock if you have the points left. I just grabbed some
  9. @Glen-iI'm assuming there is Mario Kart at 8 tonight? Players choice look for my room if he doesn't reply.
  10. He's coming February! Get your refresh fingers ready
  11. The fact that it felt so out of place, makes me feel it may mean something down the line. It had to be there for a reason right, and not just the joke about the word.
  12. I have enjoyed both episodes so far. There does seem to be an overarching story coming out of them. Maybe it will continue on into the main series next year.
  13. Just completed my yearly play of Link's Awakening on Switch. It really is possibly my favourite Zelda game, whether that just nostalgia of it being my first Zelda game back on the GB or something else I don't know. I just know I love the game. The Switch version is just beautiful to look at and a joy to play. Playing back now it seems to much easier than it did back then. I remember getting so stuck on a few dungeons especially the Eagle's Tower, that damn wrecking ball. Turtle Rock seemed huge and scary to navigate, But now, I can zip through the first three dungeons no issues (I'm sure everyone can), I remember the trading sequence off by heart now and for the first time I actually got the three upgrades for the items this time round. I know I usually always get one of them, but managed to find all three this time. I set out to get as much as possible in hearts and the seashells, I ended up getting exactly 40 seashells for the sword upgrade and ended on 27/32 heart pieces. Did the colour dungeon to get the Blue Tunic which just makes things a hundred times easier and ad in the cream stuff that doubles your hearts effectively and you feel invincible. climbed the mountain to wake the Wind Fish today. I've always loved the end fight, going through the different forms and trying to remember what needs to be used on each, once agin no issues remembering what to do. And of course ended with my favourite part, the long armed eyeball guy. Jump shoot, jump shoot shoot, since and repeat. I heard the flashing and thought I was nearly done, but then remembered I still had the cream to go through, so no worries about dying at all. The Nightmares are defeated, the wind wish awakens and I have pretty much murdered an entire island of inhabitants. I do love doing this though Untill next time when I think I'll have to go for all seashells and heart pieces. Possibly all the Nintendo collectable figures too.
  14. The fact that you made it in 30 minutes is something else. I echo @Ugh first aid comments over voice chat. How does he do it. Was a fun stage indeed. Great games too. With some close matches. My highlight was the two home run hits on @Ike in that one match. Sorry bout that. lol
  15. Yeah, your forgetfulness lead to an impromptu fun evening. Thanks for forgetting lol
  16. “Sarah Hill takes second place”, “Sarah Hill is way behind”, “Sarah Hill is in the lead” 😂 dammit commentator which is it
  17. @Glen-i, @Dcubed and myself had an impromptu N64 evening of gaming. some highlights.
  18. Wait! I want that put back in. I want big head mode in Mario Kart now.
  19. Awesome Of course there would be a catch. I would love to be able to play those whenever rather than waiting and hoping I’m playing when they happen.
  20. I didn’t need to see him back, in fact I’ve never seen the appeal of him. Always seemed like another standard guy to me. Nothing really stood out. Half of it was probably for the Chicago pop to have him return there. It will be interesting to see what happens though. I’ve seen people say WWE will be better equipped to keep him under control. Maybe they’ve told him one mistake and you’re gone. Either way I couldn’t care less what happens to him. At least the programming is going great. The Survivor Series War Games matches were fun and had a lot of stories interwoven in them.
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