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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I never knew that was Delibirds tail either. It never helped that Pokémon Go always brings him out during the Christmas period as a what seemed like a seasonal Pokémon. @Glen-i be sure to mention me when talking about Incineroar when he comes around.
  2. He must have beat Incineroar for it I’m sure he must be based of some kind of wrestler.
  3. Some insanely great racing there tonight. Sorry @lostmario, there was no need for me to use that there. The amazing this was that this then happened again on lap 2 and lap 3 exactly the same way. It actually helped me win the race by getting the shortcut on lap three to take the win and the GP.
  4. I’m glad they seen sense to say it’s for both season two and three, the two icons used pretty much confirm they are using the original seasons too. Season two being Book Two Earth and 3 being Fire. So hopefully we get it all wrapped up. Agreed that Toph will be the casting that will either make or break it. She’s a very strong character later on (as well as the start) but she’s also a kid and has some very funny and humorous interactions with the gang and others. They need to nail her character down. And don’t skimp on Twinkle Toes. Will be interesting to see who they cast as The Boulder too, the original was Mick Foley doing The Rock (I’m sure I’ve read that they originally wanted the Rock) I don’t know if they would be able to get him but it would be awesome if they could.
  5. Well that sounds like good news then. I think the best thing they could do knowing that it’s been a success is to just go ahead and film the rest all in one go so the actors don’t get too old before it’s too late. Let’s hope we hear something soon.
  6. Just finished. I enjoyed it for what it was, it’s certainly much better than the film that shall not be named. However it still has its flaws. I guess we really don’t know if it’s supposed to be just a first season or actually supposed to be Book 1 like the animated show, if it was they could have done more. I'd certainly watch this again (as long as the rest of the story is told) otherwise I think this is just a waste to leave it without concluding it at all. Is it better than the original animated show, not for me so far. Does it stand up to being worth a watch of you've never seen the original, yes. I'd probably give it a good 7/10 if I was rating. Now we just need it to have been enough of a success for Netflix to finish the story off. It doesn't have to be strung out, after all the animated show was three seasons. Perfectly told story in that time.
  7. You should have heard the voice chat after that. @Dcubed had that win and handed it to you by doing that Bowsercide. Great games and a great R.O.B level. I think all my wins came in sudden death, but they were pretty satisfying.
  8. You won’t miss much if you don’t, but it’s nice to see it.
  9. Wow. MP2 was a lot closer than I thought it would have been. Just a point between me and @Dcubed and two off of @Glen-i. I knew my MP3 game was better but yeah MP1 totally screwed me at every chance. To finish that close behind second though is a win for me 😂
  10. I would be but I don’t have my 3DS with me as it’s been lent to the girlfriend.
  11. This would have been amazing had it been like half a second sooner. I was mashing that item button so much.
  12. They did these again for the last WrestleMania that was in Hollywood, I didn't find them as great as these ones though. They weren't bad just didn't seem to have the same spark as these.
  13. Second this week. One of the Four Horsemen, Ole Anderson, passed away this week too. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/wwe/article-13131311/ole-anderson-dies-81-wwe.html
  14. Saturday or Friday would be better for me as I don’t have to be up early the next day. So I’m good with those. Thursday after MK can mean it may go on a bit later than I would like.
  15. I guess I’m in the minority as someone that thinks it’s essential to them. Maybe it’s because I have kept all my old Nintendo consoles that it doesn’t bother me too much if there isn’t. It’s a nice feature to have but I think the constant change in the media that Nintendo uses makes it a little harder. But not impossible obviously. I mean they managed to make the Wii compatible with GC disks and they were two different sizes. To me the important part is that I should be able to easily access digital games Ive bought, mainly those that were only digital games. I have a few games that I bought on sale that I should be able to keep whatever the next console is. And this of course doesn’t even touch on VC NSO stuff. So to me, whilst it’s a welcome feature it wouldn’t be a deciding one for me.
  16. So far I've watched the first two episodes and pretty much do agree with what @Julius mentioned about them. Sets and costumes are amazing and spot on for costumes. So far the actors have proven to be the right, or best choices for the roles. It's great to see that they are still treating Aang as he is a child too, there's moments where you can clearly see that, he is 12 after all. It does seem to me that condensing the episodes like this has meant we have lost something. I did enjoy the way the show started though as it was great to see that time in the history played out like that and not just done as a flash back or just the opening narrative from the show. We know the Fire Nation attacked, show us! So far I'm enjoying it, it's a decent adaptation so far.
  17. Sounds unlucky. All the sets I’ve bought I’ve only had one piece that’s been missing (though in my case it had been a different piece put in). Luckily Lego are amazing at sending out replacement parts, which I’m sure you must know. Just let them know and they will send out any missing part.
  18. Some very fun matches tonight. At one point Samus was three for three then it went downhill. Last week I don’t think I won a single match, this week I have a good share of victories. That’s why I love the way our games are played. Anyone can win any match. (Unless it’s Samus, cause Samus always wins (almost)),
  19. Forget Smash I wanna see this lol Also boo them players for not using Pyra/Mythra.
  20. You just can’t please people. And I bet that if it was a shot-for-shot remake, they’d moan about why did they make it like than when we have the cartoon. They should have tried something different. I haven’t started it yet but think I will be doing so next week. I heard the episodes were an hour long each.?
  21. And the Backlash is still the worst vehicle in the game. Been playing a bit of this and it is just as fun as before. Really do wish we got a new game though.
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