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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. A few games interest me there, Epic Micky, South Park Snowday, Monkey Ball I'll be keeping an eye on hoping they are good. But damn, new Endless Ocean is possibly the must have for me there. I loved the original on the Wii and it seems like this could be just as lovely as that one. Plus a huge number of people can play together online, imagine huge NE underwater get together. Oh and Blast Corps! I may be off to play that now. They said they were available now.
  2. I think Gen 2 I might have picked Cindaquil. So long ago now I can’t remember but he does seem to be the one I remember. But yeah after that I don’t even think I can name any. Though going by my Pokémon Go knowledge I think there’s a piplup/puplip or something. I just ended up calling him Plipplop. Was Chespin one? And then the grass…oh it’s in Smash, chucks the leaves, hold on I know this one 😂 Skivy (but probably spelled correctly) out of those I like Plipplop 😂 Should I take this moment to apologise to all the Pokémon fans I’ve just upset with the names 😂
  3. When the guy that made the game plays the same way as you do, then that means we are doing something right. I get there is a market for the purists, the 1v1 no items on the flattest stage and fair play to them, let them enjoy it that way. But to me Smash is all about the utter chaos and hilarity of chasing after the pokeball or assist trophy, avoiding the F-Zero machines as they zoom towards you on track, Toon Linking because the bridge breaks when you land on it, avoiding bees, and the many other moments that make us laugh on VC.
  4. That was the closest I got to a win tonight and you took it away from me. 1.6% was it? I hope you're happy.
  5. I think it really does. I think it helps that it feels more like you are playing with others even more so when you can chat along too. The banter and laughter means that everyone is in on it. Plus I know that I’m not the only one that gets screwed by the game cause within a few minutes we are all laughing at someone else getting suddenly bombed. And yeah I do agree that if a game is making you angry, then best take a break from it. Because it’ll just make you feel worse when more stuff goes wrong.
  6. Thats fair, I used to get like that when we did this as the league. Just got so angry and it wasn't fun at times cause I felt I got robbed of a better place. Since we now just do this for fun Im more relaxed and don't care as much if I get booted from first to 4th when I was about to cross the line for the win, 😂 Yes it's annoying as hell, but there's nothing at stake so I just pass it off as "that's Mario Kart".
  7. Lots of new trailers released cause of the Super Bowl (I’m assuming) but this is the one I’m looking forward too. I love the show and have been waiting for this for ages. Not sure how many others here are too.
  8. I was so ready for Bomberman and then it turned into that single player game. It was ok but everyone plays Bomberman for one reason alone. I also remember that the credits to that game were like 20 minutes long or something like that.
  9. Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Ultimate incoming!
  10. Great stage @RedShell. Great matches tonight with a few very close and tense ones. And can I just say how much I love that we all now know to automatically play it as a doubles match when that happens. Was it Minecraft vs Starfox?
  11. These are the only starters that matter. I'm a Gen 1 guy, loved them. those three starters will always be better than any other starter the games have come up with. Yeah I know, rose tinted glasses and all that. Like you said, Charizard is one of the top three Pokemon in the world. Heck I even have a Charizard onsie cause he's such an awesome Pokémon. Just trying to think who you say is the other one that is more popular (other than Pikachu), I'm guessing one of Jigglypuff, Togepi or Eevee.
  12. What a difference a week makes. This really is the best time of the year for wrestling, but this is just extra spicy this year.
  13. That last Happening space had a Swap Positions which would have completely changed the outcome. Great game.
  14. I mean... I'm happy enough to take your word for it, but it sounds like it has to be experienced to fully appreciate its atrocrity. I fixed it for ya. 😂
  15. I would be in but I’ve lent my 3DS to my other half so don’t have access to it.
  16. I always remember in the extra material from the Lord of the Rings DVD's that Peter Jackson said that they had to do that and it would either be the best piece of filming or a total train wreck if the first one flopped. I do agree though, Avatar has a very specific story and timeline in the original show. Even if they go with extending the timeline a bit for it not to all happen in one year, you still have a full story that you can plan out to take place over a couple years at least. Its a fairly complete story in that it shouldn't take longer than 3 or 4 seasons, so if you are going to go for it, go for broke and just film it all in one go as you know your actors are going to age at such a pace that they will grow up too fast if you don't.
  17. Moana is one of my favourites from recent times, this looks stunning visually I hope it can live up to the first one.
  18. Used to read a fair bit back in the day but other things took over. But recently I’ve had the urge to find something to read again. Luckily local Radio station here has been doing a monthly book club thing too and the last book mentioned sounded a little interesting to me. Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree Never heard of it nor the author, but the book for the month was to be something easy and light as they had done heavier books before that and this was mentioned. It’s a shortish book, easily read in a few days, fantasy but quite a different fantasy than dragons and battles. I enjoyed it and it is an easy read. It’s about an Orc that wants to put her bloodshed and battling behind and decides to open a coffee shop in a small villages that has never heard of coffee. The story becomes a story of family and friendships made along the way. It seems to get quite favourable reviews too. Worth a checkout if you want something light to read. After that I went and found one that I’ve always wanted to read. I’ve loved the film since seeing it as a child and knowing now how things differ between original books and film adaptations I wanted to check it out. So… The NeverEnding Story So first off, the film adaptation is like half the actual book. The first half at that, the film did follow it pretty closely with some alterations and such, but it’s the second half that shows so much more of the world and gives you so much more of why Fantasica (film changed it to Fantasia) exists and so much more of the world. Though it also feels like a different book altogether. I can see why it wasn’t a part of the film. A great book though, easy to read and seems to put across a well intended morale at the end there. If you’ve ever seen the film but never read the book, I’d say read it. Get a feel for what more to the story there is and why it is called the NeverEnding Story too.
  19. Love this set. Great display set.
  20. I remember that PPV and what happened. It was just so surreal and seeing that they never showed the ring at all and always had the camera on JR or the crowed, you just knew it was serious. Back to now, and it seems that after the events of SmackDown, it seems everyone is pissed that the main event for WM is now set and it doesn’t include Cody. Seems that t even if they did want the mega match between Rock and Roman, it was not like this.
  21. That was both hilarious and evil. We were trying to figure out how we got off there. Even the second time we played it (which may have been that time) we still all tried running to the edges to get off.
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