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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Haha don't worry you ain't the only metalhead here .
  2. *Guitar riffs kick in*. I hope you were referring to Lamb of God, i'd be disappointed if you weren't. If you're not dead by now, do as Fierce says. He is wise beyond his years.
  3. Isn't she on holiday jim... Anyway HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS KATEMON.
  4. Could think of better ways to include Mario and Sonic in the same game...
  5. Watched it just now, was a good laugh in most places. Slowed down a bit too much in parts and just wanted it to go back to the action scenes.
  6. All the Sony fanboys I know aren't getting one until the price drops heavily so where are these mystery sales going to come from. Surprised there's anyone still so loyal considering they've got the worst package out of every territory.
  7. It needs a hide and seek mode.
  8. It is pretty strange, need more moves and the ability to actually fight people. I did try
  9. Who needs Playstation Home when you can fly!
  10. How totally random is that...
  11. Count yourself lucky you're not dealing with adult relationships yet. They're a right barrel of laughs... NOOT!. As for advice, well I was in the same situation when I was in school. Didn't help that I was fairly overweight so naturally I didn't think any girls would be interested, and i'd be right anyway they weren't. I know how hard that first step is though even if most people on here don't. I gained my confidence through getting fit and making myself feel better. Just be proud of who you are and find something good and unique about yourself no one else has. If you get an opportunity to talk to this girl take it. If you get rejected it's not the end of the world, it's life and it happens.
  12. So it's being made by the team behind lost. Can we expect 10 movies revealing very little each time around I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek, I liked Next Generation and some of the newer movies. Was never a fan of the originals but that's more something my parents would've been into not me. I won't write this off yet, not all prequels turn out like Star Wars' did. (What are midichlorians?)
  13. Then we will rescue my mom from Pescadero Penitentury!!!!!
  14. Well I don't know if i'm a future target of Skynet or not. If not i'll just continue my life of playing Missile Command in arcades and pissing off my foster parents.
  15. Can't wait for this game, hopefully the platforming will be harder than New Super Mario Bros.
  16. It's quite bad I don't even have that kind of money for a game
  17. Well ok I should have put "in my opinion". I want games that'll last more than a week but that's me. Piss you I don't have £30 to spend on a 6 hour experience
  18. Quite amazing it's been so successful with only one decent game.
  19. I'm fed up that I don't have fingers which can last hours of constant guitar playing.
  20. What are you buyin! Class.
  21. I think these problems are just down to glitches in the consoles as i've had the same problem. I guess it's what we have to expect these days, at least they're not as problematic as the launch 360's.
  22. Hmm thanks guys. I don't think it's defective as it's only recently started happening. It's either something i've done to it or the batteries are low. I'll check next time.
  23. The new album has started to grow on me, not sure where it stands against the others though.
  24. Does anyone else have a problem with their wiimote in that if you swing it real fast and quick it'll cease to function until you press a button then it comes back on? I find it extremely annoying as it costs me to lose Wii Baseball fairly often. Is my remote just faulty or can they not handle motions like this...
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