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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Sounds like Rainbow ride only not as insane. Not sure what levels i'd like to see to be honest. Maybe the tops of Zelda's castle from TP or your home island in WW. The underground level from the original Mario Bros should be in it too.
  2. I think it's 1 in the morning it updates for us? Looks like a made up weapon but still funny.
  3. Just got the game today. Man how frantic is it. I find i'm scoring goals without really knowing how. Lob the ball towards the striker, slow mo slam it into the goal. Awesome. I'm finding difficulty on keeping an eye on power ups and using them though. Need lots of practice before I go online.
  4. This is going to dramatically alter some of my matches that I have with my mate. It's a running thing that we always stop each other from charging the super scope as you have to be still to charge it so it leaves you vulnerable. With this it's going to be so much easier if you can charge it on the move....
  5. Gutted for the people who happily ate it.
  6. Hmm I hope there's a limit to how long you can keep it for or if it can be knocked out of your hands. I can see some people keeping it until the final minute for a cheap win. Like the cheap asses in Mario Kart who stay behind to get a star then catch up and use it at the end.
  7. It's basically like getting a killer pokémon then really. Except you can choose when and where to use it One per game is a smart idea and i'm guessing you can turn it off if you want.
  8. Those screens that were shown would suggest it hasn't changed since we last saw it? Unless they're from an older version as I did hear it was getting a graphical overhaul.
  9. I'm confused, so after this game online will use the Wii code?
  10. I guess it's no one from the island then. Must be someone they meet afterwards.
  11. "My experience playing this game demonstrated that Wii is capable of graphics far superior to what has been seen to date, and vast improvements have been made over the original build for this title. You will finally say “wow” when you see this game." lol bollocks it's the cube engine with a few new effects. Gameplay will be awesome but it doesn't make me say 'wow'.
  12. I have bought this game from Choices.uk for £29. It better be as good as all you people say it is
  13. Hope they don't reveal too much in the flash forwards otherwise we'll know who survives and who doesn't.
  14. Man if Marth doesn't make a return I know who i'm choosing. Dual swords ftw.
  15. I like the way the time changes in battlefield. Not much but it'll be cool. Also be could if some stage took advantage of the weather channel but I think that's asking too much.
  16. Arnie is displeased CMAAAN SHOW DA GAAAMES!
  17. I can see it now, NDA released. SSBB character revealed... NESS!. Metroid Prime 3 to feature... Samus. Cue generic sales figures.
  18. Wow, that was a big pile of nothing.
  19. I was thinking exactly the same. The music in that kicks ASS. If they stick in Axel i'd cream myself.
  20. That actually looks pretty awesome, surprised how mobile he is considering. So i'm guessing the films just called John Rambo then?
  21. You learn something new everyday
  22. Wierd, the japanese still have 8 days to wait for their site to relaunch while we only have 2.
  23. Haha yeh. Thought the last episode was a bit annoying ending wise. Can't believe it's the finale already. Only 14 episodes to a series from now? lame.
  24. A sequel less than a year before the first one? lol
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