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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Don't know the story but PMed anyway as I was in the last one you did
  2. I wondered why it was changed. I just assumed it was a mess up on their part, didn't realise it was actually intentional. It's stupid Cliffhanger is ALWAYS on, I watched it anyway but that's not the point I was waiting for Die Hard.
  3. I cannot wait for this, it's going to be huuuuge.
  4. I hope Star Wolf is an assist trophy, that'd be pretty damn awesome.
  5. I'm going next week... I know the feeling.
  6. I thought that. The smell of shit is and never will be 'cute'.
  7. I was thinking the same thing.
  8. By the looks of that screen I think he is lifting his bike up. It'd make sense really but I don't think he can ride it.
  9. Best series of them all in my opinion. I think my favourite episode is where they go back to their old uni and Jez is trying to join a band and Marks stalking a girl. "It's ok. This is just a day that will haunt me for the rest of my life."
  10. I think i'd be ok if they're only virtual Plus looking at them isn't the problem, it's when they're in the corner of my vision because it feels like it's a person. Hard to describe but does freak me out.
  11. I have arachnophobia and automatonophobia, the latter being a fear of inanimate statues or in my case mannequins. I can't fucking stand them in clothes shops I don't know why.
  12. Been a fan since the first series. I love it, it's my type of humour through and through. Didn't think much of the 3rd series to be honest, the 4th one was back on form though.
  13. Didn't think we'd have to wait until next year for this... Maybe we'll get the DS demo channel before.
  14. I live on a huuuuge hill so we would never get flooded. Though i'm also not far from the cliffs so a tidal wave might bugger things up...
  15. Not quite sure how many people will get caught out by this one.. but you never know.
  16. I'm only going by what this website says i'm not sure how reliable it is. Possible spoilers inside though http://www.prisonbreakmanhunt.com/season3/
  17. Amazon also say the same for SSB:B lol
  18. Season 3 starts in August, I can't wait and it'll fill in the whole made by Lost. The creators have said that in terms of storyline and what not the main part pretty much ended in season 2 and it's going to be a totally new take and probably won't even be called 'Prison Break' anymore. The ending totally baffled me.
  19. "Game over man! Game over!!"
  20. I think it's a kick ass looking stage personally...
  21. I've recently been waking up still in a dream state so i'm acting out my dream for a few minutes before the realisation hits that i'm actually awake. It's actually really annoying.
  22. So it's about vampires then...
  23. Nice incentive to try out all the characters just to see their specials. I wonder who i'll be comfortable with this time around. I wish Amazon wouldn't keep recommending me the game, they seem to think it'll be out on the 30th .
  24. I think this is basically all it comes down to. The term 'superhero' is really down to personal preference so you can't really win an argument on it.
  25. Exactly. Thank you. I define superheroes as having super natural abilities. It can be argued others are 'super' in comparison to other people maybe. I just feel the term should be reserved for those who have special powers and abilities. It appears this is a draw, from wikipedia; "By most definitions, characters need not have actual superhuman powers to be deemed superheroes, although sometimes terms such as costumed crimefighters[1] are used to refer to those without such powers who have many other common traits of superheroes.
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