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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. The thought of playing Brawl this week instead of 6-7 months away....
  2. And you're gonna give us pics or vids as soon as yeh
  3. Must be this whole Pal60 issue maybe? What does BKO have that the others don't.
  4. Awesomeness why can't people do this with NMH it's not hard. I wonder why your other cube games don't work...
  5. Did you mean 20 minutes Shadow :p
  6. I'm still on v3.1 :p. Last update came with Mario Galaxy. Just cancelled with CJ and reordered with 365games.
  7. Cmaaan where's teh videos!
  8. My Brawl has been shipped also . Still 'In process' at CJ, guaranteed I get Brawl before teh Freeloader. I'm surprised there's still no visual evidence of it working, surely someone has the magical combo of a freeloader, an NTSC game and... a camera/webcam.
  9. My Freeloader and Brawl are still 'processing'. VGP i'm not so bothered about. CJ will probably just forget my order... just like they forgot to take down "Wii freeloader works with Gamecube games" off of their website.
  10. Some dude on Neogaf got his freeloader this morning. Didn't work with his 2 US Cube games...
  11. My Freeloader has changed from On Hold to Processing again which is good
  12. Did mine on the 2nd, order number 3380. Can't afford Brawl until next week anyways.
  13. Aye mines on 'On Hold'. Gay.
  14. Will we not need to update anyway to actually run Brawl? This is assuming the latest one was for dual layer discs.
  15. Well I was going on the assumption it was 3.2 as the previous one was 3.1. Surely if it has an update it's going to be the next one. Who knows, 3.2 might not affect the freeloader at all. You could download it then do the whole freeloader thing, the fact that it would bypass any update wouldn't matter because you'd already have it. The only people it would screw over are those who rely on in game firmware updates... all 2% of them.
  16. Yeh but Brawl comes with the firmware update v3.2. Nintendo obviously knew a freeloader was coming, i'm not tech minded so I don't know if they could design an update which blocks a future product or not. Looks like half the people here have already bought into it so i'll wait for impressions. I remember a so called Gamecube freeloader that had a million versions because they couldn't get it right so I have zero trust in Datel.
  17. They probably think we need to be reminded of Brain Training sales again... I must admit I for one keep forgetting.
  18. Why don't you people get Halo 3 from Tescos. They have the collectors edition at the same price as the normal version, for some reason. Might as well get that version for £40 over the standard version in GAME, which is the same price...
  19. I think this was essentially a NES version of Ninja Gaiden but it was so friggen hardcore. If anyone can complete this, kudos to them. Loved this game, fly around shooting shit and picking up hostages. Awesome. Very bizarre, very early RAREWARE game. Also incredibly hard, never completed and still can't to this day. 2nd best Zelda imo. Incredibly under-rated. Classic hardcore platforming and ninja star throwing action.
  20. Isn't it funny how everyone loves the beaches in Cornwall yet treat the towns and people like shit for 6 months of the year. Anyway, mini rant over, Crantock beach outside Newquay is the best beach ever. Huge dunes, non polluted sea, and not too much tourist wankers. In all its empty glory.
  21. It may have done I only remember it being showed a few times. Thing is back then that could have just been shit NOE marketing.
  22. Anyone remember this ad, i've never looked forward to a christmas so much before or since. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAbc8ROTqGA.
  23. That list did indeed bring a tear of joy to my eye. Does make you feel old though. Oh and Kimberley from Power Rangers was never hot, Jet from Gladiators on the other hand... Eerie Indiana better have been in that list too.
  24. So far it's Halo 2 and Gears of War. I tried playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 but it wasn't that great.
  25. Zeikfred for president. lol.
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