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Everything posted by bob

  1. Good and bad for me: Working from home has been amazing - I didn't exactly have a bad commute before, but just the ability to order stuff and services to your house and be there for the delivery has been a lifechanger Extra money- we saved so much money in the first month of lockdown. Not going out and doing things, and my wife saving £40 a week on fuel meant that we had almost double what we usually had left over at the end of the month. Talking to family - ironically, i ended up talking to my family way more when we weren't allowed to meet up. Started a weekly video call with my parents and sister, when i was a bit worried about them getting lonely, and it's continued through to today. It's really nice keeping in touch more, when usually I would only talk to them once a month or even less. Cooking/buying food - at the start of lockdown, buying food was a nightmare, but it has slowly changed the way we do it, and i don't think we'll go back. I used to buy the food to cook dinner on my way home from work every day. As a result, i used to go to the supermarket 8-10 times a week. Now, we go once a week, and we've had to plan out the weeks meals, rather than deciding what to have on my way home. It's less flexible, but i think with a baby on the way it makes much more sense. My wife conversely, did not enjoy lockdown as much as I did. She liked spending more time with me, but as a teacher, she couldn't really do her job properly, and ended up getting very depressed being cooped up in our house. The whole baby situation is a bit scary, and quite different to how it would be normally. I've only been allowed in one scan, the rest of the time i'm sat in the hospital car park. My wife hasn't met her midwife, who is currently not answering her phone and refusing to reply to messages. I don't know what the situation will be for the actual birth, but at the moment I'm not allowed in the hospital for the build up to the birth, and only allowed in for the brief period when the baby is born. Then I have to leave again. Our main hobby, travelling, obviously was affected massively this year. We had hoped that we could go on one last trip before the baby arrives, perhaps for a week away in Europe, but we ended up doing two days away in Exmouth instead. Also, our planned trip to France that we had booked with some friends got cancelled, and now we aren't sure if we're ever going to be able to see that money again. Overall for me, it was positive (especially since I don't know anyone who has died from the pandemic, thankfully), but I can imagine that I am very lucky, and there are many more that have had a bit of a shit-show.
  2. Does this stop them exploding?
  3. Isn't PUBG free to play anyway? Or is it not like Fortnite in that respect?
  4. Americans again huh? I'll add it to the list.
  5. Just Dance 2021 here we goooooooooooooooooo!
  6. Tacos are a mess. Who the hell invented them anyway? Some crazy Mexican who obviously didn't have to clean his own floor, i'm betting. Probably has meet-ups with the inventors of the cream slice and bruschettas to laugh at the mess they're making of everyone's laps.
  7. Them images were prophetic!
  8. Shit, did he die in the end of the last one then? I forgot that if so. That does make more sense. I just re-watched the trailer because i thought I missed something, and it still isn't very clear imo. I thought the guy saying you could have anything you want was just hyperbole, not an actual magic wish.
  9. Ok i've caught up with the plethora of trailers now. Wonder Woman 1984 - This went from being the DC film i was most excited about, to one of the least. The first trailer looked great, but this one was a bit flat. The villain looks weird, as does the swinging from lightning bolts via lassoo (wtf?). I'm a bit confused by Chris Pine's character as well - he's just aged normally, and is living in 1984 as an older man, but he has never heard of radar? He's not a time traveller or anything is he? Just a moron? Justice League v2 - Honestly I don't see how different this film can be from the original, but it would be interesting to see how a different edit can be. The original was a bit of a mess, and this one looks to be the same. Not too excited about it being 4 hours long either. Suicide squad - Another remake because they fucked up the first one? This looks pretty good actually, even if it's obviously going to be compared to GOTG simply because they got the same director. It looks painfully obvious they went 'how can we have our own GOTG film?' and then just hired the same guy and told him to make the same film. It even has the directors brother as a CGI mustelid again. There looks to be way too many characters introduced at once as well, but maybe it'll still be good - X-men manage it. Black Adam - Looks interesting. Might be carried by The Rock's charisma alone. Pity the whole movie won't be in the style of the trailer - that would be pretty cool actually. I'm assuming they are going to have this one link into Shazam at some point? The Batman - Remake because we fucked up the previous ones? Let's gooooo! Trailer looks pretty good. Looks to be much more like the Nolan one, which would obviously be good. Quite looking forward to this one. I actually hope the Suicide Squad and Black Adam do well, because it would be nice for some of the more interesting DC characters to be featured. Superman is such a terrible character, i don't know why they don't just dump him and look elsewhere.
  10. I hope you'll place The Rise of Skywalker on your shelf at a slight angle too.
  11. Bon appetit!
  12. Ah, that would explain it. I can see some things getting overshadowed and lost though.
  13. What's with Warner Bros carpet bombing us with information and announcements all of a sudden?
  14. Are you trying to suggest that the peas and sweetcorn slipped through the waffle? How exactly? Brownian motion? Did@Cube jiggle the plate vigorously before serving? Was there some sort of pressure differential between the two sides of the waffle? You're talking nonsense man. Nonsense.
  15. It's mostly more of the same, so if you enjoyed the base game, I think you'll like the DLC. Not sure how much the DLC costs now, but I think there are several hours of things to do in each one.
  16. How did you manage to get the peas and sweetcorn both underneath and above the waffles? Such poor presentation@Cube .
  17. bob


    "Yeah I'll come on your documentary, but only if I get to show you my magic tricks"
  18. Hey, it's your logic.
  19. Well it doesn't use the Zelda name, so it must be a Dynasty Warriors spin-off.
  20. Is Mario Maker a new IP, or just a spin-off?
  21. The menu and stats systems are not confusing at all imo. There's a very basic RPG system in place with the weapons and clothing, but it's not too difficult to get the hang of.
  22. That's because everyone was (without exception) 11 years younger.
  23. Are those all NE people, or does that include a group of randoms?
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