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Everything posted by bob

  1. Ah of course! That would have been the button combination we would have tried next! Such a shame they ran out of other buttons that could have been run. All those other buttons that were being used for such a complicated control scheme.
  2. I haven't enjoyed a Pixar film for years. I hate the way they seem to focus entirely on sadness as a theme, rather than making a fun family film. They've definitely fallen pretty far in my eyes. Each of theirs used to be an unmissable hit, but they are pretty missable. Disney Animation by contrast seem to be getting better and better, so hopefully Avatar: The Last Dragonbender is great.
  3. I want to know how much those four paid to get a dedicated button on the remote.
  4. I hope it's another strand type game.
  5. I was just going to say that the synopsis sounds like Avatar. Swap Dragon for airbender, and it's the same story.
  6. So i was at a friends house the other night, and a third guy brought round his SNES Mini. Now I've never played on a SNES before, so i didn't know what to expect, but we all had a good evening playing on it. I thought i'd review the games we played from the perspective of someone who has no nostalgia at all for them. Mario Kart First game we played was Mario Kart, and this is one that i really don't think has aged very well. The karts seemed to handle really badly, the courses were really flat, and half the time you couldn't tell what was going to block you and what you could just drive over. Didn't have much fun with this at all. A 2D Mario This one was pretty fun. We played the 2P version, but honestly you might as well have just played the 1P and passed the controller round. It was fun taking turns in beating each level and passing the controllers round when we each died. Mario and Luigi don't control that well compared to NSMB (the only other 2D mario game i've played), but it's still fun, and you don't feel like the game is unfair when you die. It took a while to work out some of the controls though - presumably that isn't the case when the game came with a manual? Anyway, we played this for quite a while, and then stopped when we got to a level we couldn't get past. Kirby Pool/Golf This was a surprise hit. A very bizarre game where you play golf/pool with kirby, trying to collect as many stars from around the course and putt kirby into a hole before the other player. The twist being that they can steal your stars, so you have to make sure you're winning before you putt Kirby and end the level. Contra (3?) This one was a bit rubbish. It was one of the few games where we could actually play two of us at the same time, but it was too hard, and we quit after failing the first level a handful of times. Kirby Punch the world in two I can't remember the real title, but this was such a simple game that we played for a long time - it was so addictive! You have to try and time three quicktime button press events in a row, and the closer you get with each one, the harder you punch the ground, and eventually split the planet in two. So many times one of us would hit two of the three perfectly and fail on the third. So close! Street fighter Hilarious game that was pretty much button mashing. The other two guys had played this one before, so won most of the games, but I did win a few with the fat sumo guy by mashing punch and slowly waddling into one side of the screen. Miscellaneous Kirby Game We only played this once - you had to run through a level in a race against King dedede, eating fruit. But King dedede ran faster than you, and we couldn't work out how to beat him. That was all we got through, but overall I had a good time. I'd definitely play the Kirby golf game, street fighter and Mario again. Probably leave the others...
  7. Watched The Gentlemen the other day. I wanted to see this when it came out, but didn't get the chance. Just based on the cast, it looked really good, but i didn't know anything else about it. I guess I should have worked out it was a Guy Richie film. Anyway, it's pretty enjoyable if you like GR films; gangstas with silly names, odd characters, endings with crosses, double-crosses, triple-crosses, quadruple-crosses etc. It's no Snatch, but it's quite enjoyable.
  8. VR top tip time! Don't forget to wash your faceplate every so often, kids! And if you don't, definitely don't put your Oculus in a mildly damp cupboard door 6 months and forget all about it. Just had a lovely mouldy surprise!
  9. We just say price round here.
  10. There were parts about the Dexter S8 finale that i actually liked.
  11. That was incredible! Dude has a great voice too (ignoring the high notes...)
  12. That actually looks pretty fun. I've never played Monster Hunter, but i'm assuming it shares nothing but the name. I can see how you would be pissed if you were a fan of the games, but I think I would enjoy a fun monster film like that. Just hope it's not all just set in a desert, looks a bit drab.
  13. So after faffing about in the right-hand side of the map for a while (discovered another centaur near a giant sword, noped out of there pretty quickly), I decided to go and look for the magical sword that seals the darkness that everyone kept hinting at. I also wanted to find the Korok dude who hands out inventory space, since i'd built up about 45 seeds since I last saw him, and i kept having to swap out weapons every time i found a shiny new one. Luckily, the sword, and inventory space dude were both in the same place, so I headed there. The first time i went to the Lost Woods, I got lost (i guess I shouldn't have been surprised), but i assumed it was a story locked thing and i'd be able to do it later with a guide or something. Turns out that's not the case! I did have to google how to do it though, because I was wandering around in there looking for the next flaming torch and getting nowhere. The way you do it seems very nonsensical. Presumably there is a hint at some point that i missed? Anyway, I get to the centre of the Lost Woods, and find the sword. Try pulling the sword from the stone, and my hearts start dropping?! I eventually pull the sword with a quarter of a heart left. I assumed that it was all for dramatic effect, and no matter how many hearts you have, you always get left with a quarter of a heart, but i looked it up and.....no! Apparently you need at least 13 hearts to pull the sword, which was exactly the number I had! Pretty lucky. Anyway, got the sword, spoke to the tree, and also to the large Korok. Spent a long time upgrading inventory space (why can't you do multiple at once?!), and now i'm on my way again with a shiny new sword and plenty of space for others. Incidentally, the map says there is a shop and an inn in the Lost Woods, but i can't find them? Even when I'm standing on top of the icon, there's nothing there...?
  14. Urgh, 2D gameplay and limited availability. This is the worst.
  15. One good thing about working from home: this is my view from my desk. Good pigs.
  16. Well-jeal.com Get Wander. It's a pretty good Google Streetview viewer that lets you travel around the world. Or if you're planning on using Virtual Desktop with a VR capable PC, use Google Earth as@ArtMediocre mentioned. Lets you zoom around a bit more.
  17. Did you not have a PS4 controller before? Do you even have a PS4? Or are you planning on playing that PS4 game on a PC? Your post throws up so many questions.
  18. Presumably they didn't like being singled out in a negative way. Still, I guess it's a bit of free advert for them!
  19. So after doing the second boss, I thought I would do a bit more exploring. Wanted to try and get the picture of one of the sets of leviathan bones, but apparently a picture of an enormous set of bones isn't enough for this guy. He wants a specific set of bones! Looked up online where the actual ones he wanted were and made my way there. Once i'd taken the picture, I saw another enormous dragon thing fly past along a canyon. Decided to try and attack it (yeah, i've killed two bosses now, so I'm a pretty big deal), but ended up just leaping into the canyon and falling to the bottom. With no easy way out, i decided to just follow the canyon along and see where it ends up. Turns out it's a very long canyon, and ended up popping up right at the other side of the map. Luckily, I ended up right near another great fairy location, and the bird village. Ended up polishing off the third dungeon and boss while i was there (I did mention that i'm kind of a big deal). It seems like everyone i speak to is telling me to go and get the super duper darkness locking sword from the Lost woods, although i tried going there before and unsurprisingly, just got lost. Maybe i should head there next? It does seem a bit pointless since all the cool fancy weapons i get just break shortly afterwards. Does the legendary sword also break? I guess i'll find out.
  20. Surprised the PS4 can run it tbh.
  21. Not sure whether to agree with you, as I don't know which side you're on...
  22. That actually how I replenished last time - I hid under one of those tree houses while a load of Bob-goblins fired arrows at me. The problem is that I seem to go through arrows like nothing else in the game, so I'm all out again.
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