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Everything posted by bob

  1. I've been wanting to watch Real Steel since it came out at the cinema, but my gf wouldn't watch it with me. Finally got to watch it yesterday (since my gf is in Japan) and it was awesome! A bit cheesey, and the kid is like, well annoying, but really enjoyable overall. Finished the film actually quite disappointed that robot boxing didn't exist and that i couldn't go and watch a match.
  2. I think this adequately describes how i feel about coffee. EDIT: Skip to 2.20 for the bit about coffee.
  3. What about a chilled short can?
  4. By definition GPS can't tell you your instantaneous speed whatever happens. Depending on how many times the GPS updates your location per minute will determine the resolution of the velocity data. For example if it updates once every 3 seconds, and in those three seconds you go from 60kph to 80, and then back to 60kph, it will assume you went some velocity in between. I'm not sure the frequency of phone's GPS acquisition though.
  5. Speaking of Pixar, did you like the animated short beforehand? (Assuming you saw the animated short beforehand) I thought it was brill. I could have sat through an entire 2 hour film of them just reading through and introducing hilarious rejected happy meal toys. My personal favourite was the spooky hamburger.
  6. I was told once (no idea if this is true) that if Starbucks sell one cup of tea, then every cup of tea they sell after that is profit, since that first cup of tea pays for all the tea bags used in a day after that. Therefore, you should order a tea, and then when they give it to you, you should say: "Y'welcome." and walk stiffly away.
  7. This one's a bit mean. And a bit homophobic, so apologies for that, but it did make me laugh like a little girl.
  8. Agreed! The cameos were one of the best bits about it i thought!
  9. "My goodness me, there's a normal one hiding at the back there! Wot wot!"
  10. I had no idea that was even possible.... back in my day etc etc.
  11. What's going on here!?
  12. Well that's going to give me nightmares.
  13. I think that wedding photographers are a bit of a relic from when cameras used to be really expensive and difficult to operate. People nowadays just want pictures to remind them of what their wedding was like, and then maybe a nice one of the bride and groom. Seeing as everyone at the wedding will have a digital camera to take pictures of most of the goings-on, all they need is someone who can work a camera to enough of a degree to take the official bride/groom photo. I'm not saying that photography is easy and anyone can do it, mind you. I just think that if you are trying to keep costs down, it's not that hard to do it yourself and have a slightly crappier outcome which still ticks all the boxes.
  14. Yes. This guy remembers the hats. Emily Blunt, that's it! I thought the film was alright once you got past the ridiculousness of the plot. The ending though was terrible. I think they must have run out of money to pay the script writers ten minutes from the end and had to get a passing feral pigeon to complete it.
  15. WHAT!? Are you kidding!? What about the hats!? And the doors?! And the hats?! Did i dream the hats? No, they were in there....was Matt Damon in this? I can't remember. Who was the female lead? The doors? Yeah you're right it was terrible.
  16. Whenever anything Wedding-y is involved you have to add the 'wedding tax' anyway. Three course meal? ?25 per head. Three course wedding meal? ?45 per head. Want to hire this venue out for a birthday party? ?2000 for 6 hours. Want to hire this venue out for a wedding? ?4000 because fuck you. People organising weddings lose all sense of money and reason and so people selling stuff for weddings can bump the price up a a bit. Now i'm not saying whether or not the photographer is charging too much or too little, but if she wants to charge $3000 and people will happily pay it, then good luck to her.
  17. Me too, but i think it's probably going to be a Ivory Coast walkover.
  18. Maybe Suarez was protesting against Sepp Blatter and his 'all racism can be solved with a handshake' comment? I think that is what happened.
  19. Wasn't that Ron Howard as well? And Mandy Moore?
  20. Just installed a rotary slip-ring calibration system for my experiment at a fraction of the £6000 cost we were quoted to replace the linear one that broke. Feeling pretty damn smug. Also, i found the heating for my lab, so i don't have to wear gloves indoors anymore!
  21. When 3 people independantly come up with the same title, you know they've named the film incorrectly. You can pretty much guarentee that's what people will be calling it anyway.
  22. Ah yes, xenophobic is probably the right word.
  23. It seems to me that now Capello has gone, it gives everyone commenting on it licence to be suddenly very racist indeed. 'We need and English manager now, so nothing gets lost in translation' 'Should never have had a foreign manager in the first place' etc.
  25. Looks good. I will watch it.
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