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Everything posted by bob

  1. Is that the guy you met? Because that's not what you're supposed to look like.
  2. bob


    Is Chuck the one about the secret agent who doesn't know he's a secret agent or something?
  3. Ok! Vote: Dannyboy I love a good mob!
  4. Tube was probably a love virus? But loin cloth?! What the hell? That is not appropriate for the kitchen! Health and safety would have a field day...
  5. bob

    Obama Wins!

    Well actually it was probably the papers fault anyway. Going on about how no one was going to have any money soon and that we'd all be worse off - but don't forget to go out and buy things to help the economy! Anyway, irrelevant to the thread.
  6. I don't know who to vote for. Someone said not to just jump on the bandwagon, but it's so tempting! Having said that, i don't really see what Dannyboy did that was so suspicuous. He roleblocked a roleblocker? Wut? By that logic, surely the roleblocker he roleblocked is just as bad? The other option Magnus.....i'm not sure about either. Was he the one who was seen with the crushed light bee? The knife thing sounds a bit far fetched. Anyone could have a knife... I reckon Rummy and Yvonne might be in cahoots! This feud they've got going could be carefully planned! :p Seriously though.....i don't know who to vote for.
  7. bob

    Obama Wins!

    Yeah, it's pretty much how we don't blame the recession right now on the Conservatives (or even Labour for that matter) as we realise that it wasn't their fault. But we do judge them on what they've done so far. In Obama's case he seems to have genuinely tried.
  8. bob

    Obama Wins!

    I think the most important issue here...is that i just won myself £2.50.
  9. Just got back from seeing this.
  10. You'd think so, but he still took 3 tries!
  11. Argh, the guy i'm playing with can be really annoying at times! He just doesn't care about the storyline or the humour of the game at all. We were playing the level with Shooty Mcshootyface in it, and i found him first. I was standing in front of him, enjoying his dialogue and laughing, and my friend just comes up behind me, reads that you have to shoot him in the face, and does so. Then runs off. I mean, it's not his fault, that is the objective, but i wish he'd spend a bit more time 'savouring' the game sometimes. Never mind. Game is still really good, and it's nice having someone to play it with.
  12. In the world? Probably not. In here? It would appear so.
  13. So the night begins at a different time because we lynched someone? Well....shit. Physics just doesn't apply to this game at all.
  14. Saw this on Reddit, found it rather humourous. Nespresso's coffee descriptions also apply to farts. My favourite being Dense and Powerful. Oh god, i lost my spleen at this: http://z0r.de/L/z0r-de_3714.swf And this! I'm just going to keep adding things to this post until someone stops me.
  15. Sorry Eevil, i'm sure your game will be fantastic, but i'm not sure the Mafia games are really for me. The sooner i get murdered in the other one the better i think.
  16. So the day ends as soon as the Majority is reached? Damn, i thought i had until tonight...i wouldn't have voted for you Animal! Because, in hindsight, you weren't Mafia...
  17. With £2.50 i can get a sandwich, a drink AND a packet of crisps at Tescos, but i don't want to waste it all.
  18. Well i could get it now, but it seemed like a nice thing to put on my Christmas list. Plus i'm still playing Borderlands 2 and i'd just feel a bit guilty if a caved and bought it for myself.... I can't see me lasting though so i'm wondering whether to not delay the inevitable and get it now!
  19. Bet fair had Obama at 1/4, and Romney at 7/2 i think. If i win, i'm not going to let it go to my head. I think i'll buy a sandwich with my winnings.
  20. By the way, i meant to tag @mr\-paul but got the name wrong and i'm not allowed to edit it.
  21. I'm sad now because all the cool kids are playing this and I have to wait until Christmas....
  22. *Mutates neutrinos*
  23. bob

    Iron Man 3

    Well they are very similar to begin with....
  24. Pretty much. If he loses, the last thing i'll be worried about is my lost £10. To be honest though, the odds i got point to a very definite Obama win...
  25. Another post for the 'Not sure if good or bad quite yet' thread: Just bet £10 on Obama. Will find out tomorrow if i'm in the big money!
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