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Everything posted by bob

  1. Dude, that's lame. THE MOON.
  2. I wonder what the plot of Portal 3 will be. Surely they can't continue to have it in the Aperture labs? Maybe it could take place on the Moon!
  3. Dude. You are living the dream!
  4. Watched both episodes last night. It was ok, but not great. I think there's enough there to warrent watching the rest of the season though. Mainly i though the problem was that the characters are a bit too generic, and there were too many clones. I.e, nerdy, socially awkward super-geek? Yes, two of them. Grumpy, lone-wolf who doesn't play well with others? Yep, two or possibly three of them. Why do they need two lab geeks? Why do they have The Cavalry and chiseled-jaw-dude being grumpy loner types? If they're going to go with cliched characters (which i don't have a problem with), why not use a full range? Like has been mentioned, i don't think there are enough likeable ones yet (apart from Phil) but that might change. I know it's easy to pick holes in this stuff but,
  5. Not sure if this will work.. This is a thread for any random thoughts you have, that aren't necessarily Good Stuff/Bad Stuff/Awesome Stuff. I'll start off with some examples: From the Questions Thread, "I used to think that 'embed' was pronounced 'emmned', like with a silent 'b'. No idea why, just the first time i saw it i thought - 'oh, emmned', and never looked back" Also, a thought i had while watching the Lotto program, If Chris Evans (the ginger one) took off his glasses, no-one would recognise him at all. In that respect he is very much like Clark Kent.
  6. Judging from the Dexter thread, i would put The Finale of Dexter here. It wasn't perfect, but i liked it. note: i did not say the final season, that was still balls.
  7. That doesn't sound very funny...
  8. Maybe he meant 20?
  9. I'm not sure if it's just me, but i can't see anything. I can't see your post in the Funny Stuff either @Goafer...
  10. That packaging seems a little....tentative to me. Not sure why but I c......oh, never mind.
  11. bob


    Why do they always have a full-stop as a signature as well?
  12. I used to think that 'embed' was pronounced 'emmned', like with a silent 'b'. No idea why, just the first time i saw it i thought - 'oh, emmned', and never looked back.
  13. Excellent, i'll probably do that since drag and drop doesn't work very well on a touchscreen phone.
  14. I will play my best team.
  15. Dammit Dragoo! Didn't you get the memo? You were supposed to win 3-0!
  16. Flying through space on a shimmering comet of rainbow brilliance? I know.
  17. It's just VIP. I don't mind the green. I do mind the fact that the new tactics screen just plain does not work in Internet Explorer. I went on it at work to set my tactics and found i could not. None of the options were showing up and windows were transparent or not there at all. Had to go into my phone to do it instead. Where is the option to change back?
  18. Just haven't had the time to play the games i've got. There have been quite a few games i wanted to buy, but i knew they would just gather dust on the shelf, so i convinced myself not to... I wasn't exactly a massive gamer beforehand though...
  19. Hmm, the last game i bought was Halo 4 last November. Although i did recieve a couple for Christmas. Only a couple of months left and i'm done!
  20. I always thought that when they did eventually announce it, they'd do it in a really awesome way, acknowledging all the ways people have been attempting to prove its confirmation all these years. If this is it, is very disappointing...
  21. Is this all VIP stuff? (I can't be bothered to check)
  22. Who knows when dog and cat Christmas is though. Maybe it's in October?
  23. Hmmm, filed on the 29/09, 2+9+0+9 = 20, 2+0 = 2, Erm, Half Life 3 not confirmed?
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