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Everything posted by bob

  1. Why does that stoat have Donald Trump's hair?
  2. It looks OK, but I doubt I'll buy it straight away. Nintendo definitely get a lot of praise for trying new things and changing it up, but what I've seen doesn't really excite me much. I'll have to wait and see what hype next year brings.
  3. How about Massive Marathon in Memory of MadDog?
  4. The last episode was a bit weak, but the season as a whole has been great. It's clearly setting up for the finale episodes, so I'll let it pass.
  5. Great post. Agree with pretty much all of it. But the most amazing thing was how few typos there were in it! As I read it, I couldn't believe it was a Dazzybee post! Dang. So close.
  6. Do they actually give a crown?
  7. Ho boy. A politics thread? Good luck! In.
  8. That still uses old PS camera tracking technology though right? I'd be very surprised if the tracking was as good as Oculus Touch or the Vive.
  9. They'd better not cock up the webslinging. I'm hoping for Spiderman 2 with extras.
  10. bob


    Yeah, you're right. But they care too much, to the point that they won't let anything go. It's just getting irritating that the same arguments are being trailed across multiple threads.
  11. bob


    Oh my goooood. Nobody caaaaaaares.
  12. Have you tried restarting your computer?
  13. I assumed he meant that the Wii U and TV were on different places of existence, and so never the twain shall meet.
  14. Ooooh, that's nice looking. I like that it does 4K too. Would make more sense to buy a XBone than have to buy a second PS4 if i want to get 4K output...
  15. I'm told Shorty has a nice, new, large pad. Seriously though, i'll be donating.
  16. Oh crap, do you write for Kotaku?! I had no idea, I'm sorry!
  17. That reveal wasn't in the books, although it was pretty darn obvious it was going to happen.
  18. Nah but when you think about it there's probably 16 main dungeons.
  19. That Koala looks like it's about to start hoarding all the toilet paper...
  20. Is Razvan Rat the best name in football? Could be.
  21. I didn't realise that Kotaku was so loathed. I've been reading it all this time. I'm so embarrassed. What should i be reading instead?
  22. Well aren't you a bundle of fun. I wish my office did sweepstakes, but no one gives a shit about football.
  23. Is that 28,000, or 2,800? Or 28? I can't see the image you posted, so I'm not sure...
  24. I read that he was supposedly injured and wasn't even registered to be on the bench. Definitely a breakdown of communication somewhere along the lines.
  25. DO IT. _____
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