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Everything posted by bob

  1. Probably because they've done a bit of research and determined that it's not cost effective. With these things, it's always down to cost. Or licensing issues. Or the cost of licensing.
  2. I always found it strange that they didn't do any significant DLC for this game. They could have kept providing updates for years, and many people would probably have paid money for it, but for some reason Nintendo just don't want to go down that route.
  3. I actually respect that they made the god Pokémon all powerful. It would be a bit stupid if they created a Pokémon that created the universe, but could be beaten by a trained caterpillar.
  4. I did wonder what all those plates were for in the Arceus game. I never used them because I never caught Arceus though.
  5. I am still plugging away at BOTW2 when I can. Got to the Goron dungeon, and not enjoying it much. The combination of darkness + lava mist stuff that permanently locks your hearts up makes it frustrating.
  6. And only if there is a parent or guardian in that room with you.
  7. I know this is a basic thing, but have you checked the charging port isn't full of spooge? My phone port fills up with crap to the point where it stops charging. 10 minutes with a sewing needle to scoop the lint out the port and it's good as new. Maybe the same thing has happened there?
  8. Of course! Having it as one word threw me.
  9. Ok so i'm pretty sure i've worked out f**k, a**h**e, s**t, and d**n, what what the h**l is h**sy**t supposed to be?
  10. I actually had no issues with the Pokémon animations in Arceus. I understand that there are hundreds of them, and they all have funky anatomy that can be hard to design movements for. It's the human animations that were appalling. Just the same awkward stuff ones over and over. And the number of times they fade to black instead of showing a character doing something is just lazy. And these are for human figures, so they could use motion capture! I admit that pancake man did seem better animated, so perhaps they have hired one guy who can do them, and he was busy on the day they did the human animations in Arceus.
  11. I do think it's incredible that all this stuff is in the games, and they manage to keep a handle on it, and manage to keep enough Pokémon competitive and not game-breaking. I can only assume that's what the entirety of Game Freak do all day, because it sure as shit isn't making character animations.
  12. This is an interesting idea - do you rent the games too? Or would i need to buy games for a console I don't own? I'm not sure it would save me money in the long run though - at the rate I finish games, i'd have spent the equivalent of a full PS5 by the time i complete SM2!
  13. GoW co-op was great. We played through all the main games in co-op mode, and they were fantastic (once you got used to controlling people the size and manoeuvrability of tanks). I never played the multiplayer though.
  14. Is this not set in the future? I thought that's what the whole bit at the beginning was about - the growth of technology and the holograms etc.
  15. Looks like pure shit. Honestly the relationship between Pokemon fans and Pokemon games is like that of an abusive husband and his wife. Everyone keeps telling her that he's bad news, and she should leave him, but she reckons he can change, and this time it'll be different. But he ain't going to change, not if she keeps coming back even when he refuses to change his behaviour.
  16. Well i guess I can update my pledge, unless they fix the PC version or I somehow end up buying a PS5, i consider Spider-man 2 done and dusted. I have since started playing Zelda BOTW2 on the Switch. As I mentioned before, i've had this game for a while, but never opened it. My opinions on the first game were mixed, and they remain mixed on this one so far. I'm enjoying exploring the world quite a bit - there always seems to be something new and exciting just over the horizon that you want to head to. I am surprised at how well the Ultra-hand gimmick works. Given that I work with CAD software for work, i thought that building structures and machines etc in a Zelda game would be far too fiddley and difficult, but it's actually quite intuitive to join parts together and build something with it. That said, i find that the game overall is a bit too fiddly. The whole combat system is a bit frustrating. Pulling up swords/bows/shields and trying to join items onto your arrows/throw items at the same time as locking onto enemies and jump away is really fiddly. It seems like they tried to make the combat system as varied as possible, but at the expense of ease of control. It also (like all other Zelda games) seems to punish you for using anything other than a sword. Why does throwing a bomb at someone do so little damage compared to hitting them with a rock on the end of a stick? Why does hitting them in the face with an arrow do nothing? Anyway, i've fallen to the ground floor part of the world, and have opened up some of the region. Currently going into the Rito part and about to go into the blizzard cloud with the bird dude.
  17. I ended up refunding the game. I tired again last night to play, but none of the fixes I tried would even get Spider-Man to show up, and playing with an invisible character just felt a bit shit. I might try buying it again in a few months when they've sorted out glitches like this, but for now I think I'll concede defeat. I'm really sad now, because that was the one game I was really looking forward to playing.
  18. I was forced to remember last night why I stopped playing PC games and switched to consoles. Due to me not getting a PS5 (as I could not justify the cost given how much time I generally spend gaming), I was extremely excited that Spider-man 2 was finally announced for PC! I spent a while clearing out the space to download it (140GB hard drive requirement!) Last night I finished downloading it, and tried playing it. I was using my PS4 controller on my laptop (which was surprisingly easy to set-up - bonus points there). Bear in mind that my laptop has a RTX 2060 graphics card, so it's firmly in the middle of the minimum and the recommended hardware requirements. It auto-selected the medium graphics settings, which looked ok to me, so i was happy with that (i'm not a graphics whore particularly, as long as i can see what's going on, i'm happy. I don't really give a shit about frame rate either to be honest. i can't really tell the difference between 30 and 60fps, as long as it isn't turning into a powerpoint, I reckon it's playable.) The first cut-scene featured an invisible character, holding a clipboard. Bit of a weird start, but then i knew that Miles Morales can turn invisible, so not out of universe....however, the next character that turned up was also invisible...except he wasn't - he was represented by a small ball of hair floating at around head height, that buzzed everytime he spoke. The next scene featured loads of floating heads and other strange glitches. Which was when i twigged that perhaps something wasn't quite right... I read online that one way to fix it was to turn your settings to 'Very Low', save, restart your computer, and then load it up again. Once you're in, you can bump your settings back up again and Ben's your uncle. So I tried that, and sure enough, all the character models came back in (with horrendously low res hair - all the characters have dreads). I played again for a few more minutes, and actually got to web swing for a bit, until I realised that a couple of buttons on my PS4 controller weren't working, the 'jump' button being one of them. Now I don't know if anyone here has played a Spider-man game, or encountered the character before, but jumping is kind of his thing - I'm running down the streets of New York, trying to keep up with Miles, until I realise that this is silly. So it's another save, close, restart, load it up. Now my controller is working! Yay! I can jump! I can swing! I can save the city! So I'm swinging downtown, looking for Sandman, and I see a huge sandstorm. Get a bit closer, and Miles is talking about how we've managed to find Sandman, but I'm looking around trying to see him amidst all this sandstorm, but I can't see him. And then it hit me. The giant invisible hand of Sandman hit me. Damn it! The Sandman model hasn't loaded in, because I forgot to turn my graphics settings down to Very Low before I quit the last time. While it was amusing to see Spider-man clinging onto an invisible giant, I knew I couldn't play this section if I couldn't see the enemy, so it meant another save, close, restart laptop. I finally get back into the game, Very Low graphics settings (which I leave on because I can't be arsed having anything else go wrong), and I complete the opening sequence of the game. The whole thing has taken maybe an hour and a half, at which point it's time to go to bed because the kids are going to be up in 5 hours. Still, 10/10 fantastic game, no complaints.
  19. Ooh, that's rough. What's the job market like in your sector?
  20. I thought there was a dedicated thread for this, but the forum search did not bring anything up (on a separate note, how shit is the forum search?) Anyway, I watched through Secret Level on Amazon Prime. Originally, I thought it sounded like a cool idea, but was put off a bit when I hadn't even heard of half the games involved, let alone played them. However, I thought i'd give it a try and see, and i'm glad I did. Despite having not played any of the games the episodes were based on, i thought the series was actually really good - I don't think it mattered that I probably didn't get half the references. Some of the episodes were definitely better than others. I really enjoyed the Unreal Tournament, New World, Dungeons and Dragons, Armoured Core, and the Warhammer ones. Some were a bit boring (the Spelunky just seemed to be a slightly longer advert for the game). I'm looking forward to Season 2! Presumably they haven't released what games S2 are going to be about?
  21. That looks good. I'm ready to be disappointed again!
  22. Oh, i actually thought Smogon was a Pokemon, and the most powerful competitive one at that. Seems nobody is doing good reading comprehension in this thread. Edit: I mean, Smogon is a Pokemon, but i thought it was a different one from Koffing
  23. Hang on, was Ashley not joking? Is Julius joking too? I'm so confused.
  24. Jury duty or are you on trial?
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