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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Bought myself a new lens and strap for my camera. Peak Design strap and a Viltrox 23mm f.14 lens. I don't like the strap that came with my Fuji so it'll be nice to have something that can come off quickly and I've wanted a nicer lens for a while now.
  2. Didn’t take long for the top shelf to start bending!
  3. Another couple of deals. Once again filling in a gap with Nick Spencer’s Amazing Spider-man and then I’ve read some of Jason Aaron’s Thor before and enjoyed it so got the first two volumes of his complete run as they’re now out of print and harder to get.
  4. Amazing win in the BMX freestyle. Loved seeing the fuck it, let’s go all out attitude.
  5. Joined a uk trade & sale Facebook page so managed to get some good deals on more x-men stuff: So I’ve now moved into Chuck Austen’s run. I might regret getting these but that’s the price of being a completionist!
  6. I always find these introductions to athletes where they come out one at a time and some showboat a bit weird. Kind of feels like either don’t do it or go full WWE with theme songs and pyro going off. This middle ground is always awkward.
  7. Anyone heard if the Olympic video game is any good this time? Kind of in the mood to play one.
  8. Anything in particular you are planning on testing it out with?
  9. Might be worth upgrading the carpet. Don’t think it’s got enough teraflops.
  10. Can't wait to see that. Think it's looking very promising.
  11. How did you end up making your list @martinist?
  12. Ah right. That would be my one critique from your list then. I think 4k is less important for pc gaming than a higher refresh rate monitor. Other than that though it all looks cool.
  13. I meant to ask after seeing your list, what hz is your new monitor?
  14. Great….now I’ve got a decision to make 😆
  15. For some reason I didn’t realise this wasn’t an exclusive. Think I’ll have to pick it up on Steam ready for the Steam Deck.
  16. I’m really in the mood to replay KOTOR but I want to wait until I’ve got the Steam Deck to do it. I have a feeling it might turn into a bit of an RPG machine for me. It’ll be crazy to play Persona 4 Golden like that.
  17. I haven’t had a chance to watch much so far but I need to get around to it. I’m usually much more interested in the first week’s events so I’d like to catch them.
  18. Where can I find the forum rules?
  19. I’d always heard that the second one was a lot milder.
  20. Carry on filling in X-Men gaps
  21. The Dead Space remake should be a good way fod me to finally try that series properly as well.
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