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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Just finished Mass Effect 3. Not as good as the first 2 games but I still really enjoy it. The citadel dlc in particular is a lot of fun. Now I need to make the decision to either move onto Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrade or use my current hyped enthusiasm for Mass Effect and reattempt Mass Effect Andromeda.
  2. Ridiculous red card at the end there
  3. I’d love some interesting weather every now and again. I’m dead centre in England and we just get nothing, barely even any snow when the rest of the country does.
  4. Article from Patrick Klepek at Waypoint on the Pixel Remasters and pixel art for games in general. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj83yp/final-fantasy-remasters-reignite-controversies-over-pixel-art
  5. I'm quite liking the look of this. I'll be done with Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered soon so I may pick it up as my next game.
  6. I still really like the look of it. Different to other movies in the MCU but still very much based in the universe.
  7. Yeah I tried last night and again just now but nothing so far. I'm just gonna check back every now and again. I'm not in a massive rush to get the second jab but it would be nice to move it up a bit.
  8. No luck for me unfortunately. No other dates available.
  9. So our school refuses to name any member of staff who has had a positive test and just trusts in their own ability to track everyone else down that they came in contact with. Last week there was a positive test and everyone knew who it was just through the grapevine. I along with another member of staff and 2 contractors spent over 15 mins with the person who tested positive but were never contacted with everyone else who was sent home. They then got a negative PCR test so everyone went back to work. Problem is though that we emailed the woman in charge of the COVID response stuff today to inform them after our boss told us to and she was more interested in getting the name of who told us so they could be punished instead of showing any concern that we had fallen through the cracks.
  10. Just spent the morning fixing a programme for the school's end of term stuff. The Marketing department were the ones who created it...in MS Word...using spaces instead of tabs or tables....with things not aligned anyway....with headers on the previous page from their information. It just pisses me off that these are the people paid to create this kind of job and the younger kids in ICT lessons could have done a better job.
  11. I was definitely happier when I whittled my game collection down to just Mega Drive & SNES. I still have a big range of actual consoles but one day I'd like to display them somehow so keep them stored. Don't tend to keep newer consoles anymore though and the ones that I do still have are for specific reasons (PS3 because I was playing MGS4, PS4 is now a blu ray player for downstairs).
  12. Unfortunately I'm too lazy so tend to go for the simplicity of cex over selling it myself where I would most likely get more money.
  13. I hate it when they do that
  14. They shouldn't have given me power over the CCTV at work. I've just spent all afternoon playing with it
  15. I loved that watch when I had it as a kid.
  16. After Burnout 3?
  17. I think they're scheduled for 2027.
  18. I see Windows 11 has leaked online
  19. I always watch these hoping there will be something shown that would get me to connect my Switch back up again. Still nothing
  20. Still more than I'm willing to pay at the moment but at least it's a bit of a discount.
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