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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Yep great soundtrack. FTL is another one with a good one that works really well with the gameplay.
  2. Im saving a lot of my PC games that need completing at the moment for the Extra Life 24hr charity thing. I'll be trying to work through all the Fallout New Vegas DLC, Metro 2033, STALKER, Witcher 2 and XCOM. Obviously its doubtful I'll complete any of them though, especially as im the only one who will have direct gameplay feed on the live stream I always feel I should try and have a bit of variety in my games instead of just sticking with the same one for hours. EDIT: Actually there will be another direct feed from @flameboy on our second stream
  3. I really wanted to get it but for the length of the game and the price they were asking I couldnt bring myself to buy it. Im leaving it until its a bit cheaper.
  4. According to my Backloggery account I am having the best year I have had since it launched for beating games yet I still have 89 uncompleted games added this year alone.
  5. Lol, I know what you mean. Im supposed to be putting money aside for the PS4 preorder but if a Steam sale comes around then by the end of it I will have 20+ new games.
  6. There seems to be some talk that because the Steam 10 year anniversary is coming up this week that we might be getting another sale. Hopefully its true.
  7. Anyone who was interested in watching the TGS Sony press conference tomorrow, here's the link for the English stream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sceja-press-conference-english
  8. The fact that this is a proper price cut that they actually putting out a statement with for last generation games is just weird
  9. I nearly ordered the 32gb card today as its back in stock at Amazon but for now as I've only got Gravity Rush then old PS1 and PSP games installed ive still got enough space. Once the PS4 is all paid for I will probably go back to it.
  10. When I still had mine yeah it would start to get uncomfortable after longer gaming sessions. I have the same problem with my Vita as well.
  11. The Walking Dead - 400 Days Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dead Space
  12. Im not sure if im on there or not. I think I was a member back then but never really started chatting properly until NE started.
  13. Before I got my wired 360 pad for my PC I used motioninjoy, not once did I have a webpage open up because of it.
  14. The Walking Dead - 400 Days DLC Just finished playing this DLC, it was nice to get back to this world and has made me excited all over again for season two.
  15. Im not far enough into the game to be able to say. I did notice a choice though to speed up load times when you hold the PS button but I havent tested it yet.
  16. Wanted an RPG to play during Extra Life on my Vita
  17. This is exactly why I have gotten bored of Nintendo. I have mentioned this before but because their focus tends to be on gameplay rather than story and their gameplay doesnt change all that much, I just feel like I am playing the same games over and over again. I'll always keep an eye on Nintendo stuff to see whats coming and if it would ever interest me enough to get another Wii U but I really doubt it. At least at the moment there has pretty much been nothing shown thats coming out this or next year thats made me regret selling my Wii U. Its obviously not the same for everyone, especially on here where there are obviously still a lot of people who love each new Nintendo experience they have.
  18. Sony set to announce PS4 launch timing for Japan http://www.shopto.net/news/43982/Sony-set-to-announce-PS4-launch-timing-for-Japan/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook I tend to wake up at about 6:30am these days so I expect I will probably watch this live
  19. If companies made it a subscription service to a proper back catalogue without any extra costs then I would be totally willing to pay for that. Personally I think thats how the Nintendo Virtual Console should be run now.
  20. Im not gonna open that spoiler box as I dont recognise the boss name so I assume im not there yet. Im at the start of chapter 8 at the moment.
  21. He says he's starting work on the new trilogy pretty much every year though so we probably won't see anything come from this. I would rather just see the Atlantis and next SG1 movies made.
  22. Hmmmm. Doesnt look too bad I guess but I already dont like how much you seem to see of his full face.
  23. Looks like we'll be getting a Beyond demo in early October
  24. Despite enjoying 3 I think im just a bit burnt out on Assassins Creed games at the moment. I will probably be waiting to get this one until its cheaper.
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