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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Gunpoint Just finished playing this and thought it was pretty great. Its basically a puzzle/action game where you are a private detective and have to figure out the best way to make it through buildings to get to your objective. A lot of that is done by using your cross link device to have electrical systems do what you want them to so you turn the lights off in a room, the guard comes to turn them back on but you have set the lightswitch to now open some door you needed to get to that could only be opened with a hand scanner previously.
  2. Yeah I'd be up for it as well. Hopefully with the update we'll play more than the last time we tried.
  3. Shadow of the Eternals dev Precursor Games disbands http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-29-shadow-of-the-eternals-dev-precursor-games-disbands
  4. I love the explosions in GTA V
  5. 99p off ebay
  6. It looks like they have "Spacebar" on the left touchpad.
  7. Hmmmm
  8. ShopTo have tweeted that they wont be doing anything with it until Monday.
  9. Im still hopeful it will be good but to be fair I havent watched all that much on it since E3. At the moment its the only game ive got preordered with my PS4. If it is delayed for the Wii U though then that isnt good. People that are interested enough will just go elsewhere if they can then the Wii U will probably just be left with those who only have the one console again. This would have been a good title to hold up against the PS4 and Xbox One versions to show that while it most likely wouldnt have looked as good, it could still offer something different with the tablet.
  10. I keep thinking about watching that but my hate for TotalBiscuit has only grown since their last Terraria videos so I cant bring myself to.
  11. I assume Titanfall was the Xbox One version and not the PC one?
  12. Storm from Tescos?
  13. Either that or any DLC that comes will be part of GTA Online and not the single player at all. They have hinted that we could see new areas put into the online.
  14. If you ask me again tomorrow then im sure this list will be different but here are the ones I came up with today: 1. Airplane 2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off 3. Ghostbusters 4. Shaun of the Dead 5. Wayne's World 6. The Naked Gun 7. Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie 8. American Pie 9. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 10. Planes, Trains & Automobiles
  15. Thats never happened to me. On everything I have downloaded once its finished it will start installing, if the screen is off then it will just install when I turn it back on.
  16. See I disagree here. In Buffy, Angel and Firefly I straight away liked the characters and knew what they were about. Dollhouse I liked one or two and found a lot of the rest dull, that never changed throughout the 2 seasons. Im not sold on the characters in SHIELD at all. The only interesting one to me was Coulson and thats because he's already established. (Yes I just watched the pilot today, I wanted to be able to see if Channel 4 cuts anything out) Im not saying that the characters wont grow on me and of course as with a lot of shows actors will grow into their roles and iron out problems but I just think with Whedon stuff they are usually a lot better from the get go.
  17. Oops, I just clicked ignored on that lol
  18. If anyone is interested Eurogamer are going to be livestreaming their developer sessions this year http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-26-live-eurogamer-expo-developer-sessions
  19. Does anyone know how far into development Gravity Rush was before it shifted from a PS3 to Vita title? If there was a bit of work done first for PS3 then it will be interesting to see the sequel given that it'll be fully focused from the beginning on the Vita.
  20. After Persona 4 Golden
  21. Got my badge to be entered into the beta anyway, fingers crossed.
  22. Im waiting until Friday but im looking forward to it. From what I have seen though a lot of the comments on it have been mostly positive which is good.
  23. Been messing around with the Iron Man mod for GTA IV, its pretty awesome
  24. I think I'll have to give this a try in a bit.
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