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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Nice to see it actually going up. Not sure how many I'll get until either the day of the event or afterwards, thats usually how it goes anyway.
  2. Any chance of a job as a tester when you get around to starting your Indie company?
  3. It drives me crazy being unemployed. Ive been so for quite a while now due to my own complacency when I first lost my job mixed with having a problem with driving and a terrible bus service which has just gotten worse. I apply for jobs in Banbury all the time but I either need a lot more experience, its shift work which I cant do due to travel or more likely I just dont get a response why.
  4. Yeah looking at the Giant Bomb wiki they only got 4 games out and the last one was in 2011 http://www.giantbomb.com/lightning-fish/3010-7336/
  5. I think the only thing that the SNES was missing that would have really made it amazing was some of that sweet blast processing.
  6. ......Nope
  7. @bluey have you heard of Lightning Fish games? They are (or were) a games dev that are based near you. I hadnt heard of them before a friend got a tester job there but unfortunately I havent spoken to him in years and I cant seem to find out if they are still around or not but if they are then that could be one to look at?
  8. I'll never understand that. For me the N64 is one of the hardest consoles to go back to because of how ugly the graphics and textures were. There are obviously games like Zelda and Mario that managed to work past that but overall I cant stand the way everything looks.
  9. After talking about Minecraft last night with some friends and then seeing the Yogscast using a Stargate mod I decided to try it out for myself. Its pretty awesome. This was just me messing around in creative mode but im looking forward to starting a proper world with the mod installed and building it all up from scratch.
  10. Where do you guys end up buying most of your collectables? Its something I would like to get more of myself but dont really want to have to start paying import tax etc if I have to get things outside of the UK.
  11. One of my favourite things about the Vita is quickly becoming the cross play. The amount of time that I spend on Spelunky is crazy and thats a game that usually I would have just bought on the PC if it wasnt for the fact that I knew I'd be able to play it both on the PS3 and my Vita.
  12. Finally got around to getting MGS4 the other day, playing it at the moment but im pretty terrible at trying to stay hidden lol. Pretty much every encounter has ended in a firefight. Thankfully though I'm just playing it on the easiest settings so I can breeze through for the story.
  13. Its really addictive. I think I got through about 50 pages the other night.
  14. Supposedly just the retail version for PC so the affect there should be pretty minimal.
  15. Xbox One's achievements: I quite like the changing text, dont like the Metro-y green and think it maybe stays on the screen a bit too long.
  16. Not what I was wow-ing about
  17. I'll wait another month or so and it'll be down to the usual £17.99. I have way too many PC games that I've been saving for Extra Life, Vita and 3/DS games and a couple of PS3 ones ive picked up to fill in gaps in my collection so I can wait.
  18. I nearly got it in town yesterday but decided on Pokemon instead. I figured Beyond will go down in price after a few months while Pokemon wont so I may as well just wait a bit.
  19. Honestly, reading you say that would make me pay less attention to the NE review. Most reviewers will happily recommend readers go look at a good cross section of reviews and to say that people should just ignore the majority of reviews and just read your higher scoring one is ridiculous.
  20. The game doesnt seem to be doing too well with review scores
  21. Just beaten the first gym. Im enjoying the game so far, we'll see how long that last given my history with most Pokemon games but I'm staying hopeful. Only complaints or things I noticed were that I dont really like the controls all that much, having to keep making adjustments because you dont get a proper smooth control scheme and im glad that I never really use the 3D in 3DS games, I just turn it on for the first 10 minutes or so of each new game to see how its used and I found it a bit jarring going back and forth.
  22. Traded in my PS3 games that I also own on PC towards this
  23. Big rumour going around at the moment that Drive Club isnt going to be ready for the launch
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