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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. So @Rummy what's the plan with this thread going forward? Apart from a few comments here and there it feels like its winding down with most people having made their points.
  2. Yeah I originally thought I might just get a new one but there was no way I was paying full price. Its a shame they have only gone cheaper with a 12gb model. You would think with the amount of games people might have on PS+ for it now they would release a digital only PS3 without the disc drive so you could play that collection.
  3. Well I ended up getting a PS3 with a broken blu ray drive off eBay for £22 and seeing as I only need it for digital games, I'm pretty happy. Looking forward to playing a load of my PS+ games now!
  4. Anyone know if there is a way to get the ipad screen to stay on while charging? There are certain times, like if I'm streaming a game where I'd like to leave chat open on my iPad but dont want to have to keep changing sleep settings to do it.
  5. £22 second hand 320gb PS3 with a broken blu ray drive. I only wanted it for my digital games so I'm really happy. Also bought these in the latest PSN sale to play on it:
  6. The two tone thing happened with SNES' as well
  7. I think it could potentially work with RTS gamers like myself who prefer to just methodically play the game, build up and army at a slow pace but say a game like Starcraft 2 would run so fast that I just couldnt see them ever wanting to look away at a tablet screen. Plus keyboard and mouse on consoles never seems to work that well if you are sitting on a sofa for example (which I would assume a lot of console gamers would be). As for if the Wii U actually supports keyboard & mouse, I'm not sure. Just trying to think of any games that might be able to use it.
  8. I've mentioned this before but personally I think Nintendo just dump the home console completely and either just go handheld full time or have their own handheld and then release home console games as a second/third party.
  9. RTS has become such a fast paced genre now though, I'd think fans of it would never want to move away from the speed of mouse and keyboard.
  10. Its such a hard one to figure out. If they do launch mid generation then I think it needs to be with a console that shows they mean business. They may not win a lot of gamers back with it but they need to show they are willing to compete again and get those third parties back so when they finally can launch at the same time as the PS5 etc (depending on what consoles even are by then) gamers know what they should be getting with a Nintendo console again. Either that or they should just ride out this generation with the Wii U. They wont get the third parties back with the current hardware but maybe create/buy second parties and keep the games coming until they can come back with a proper contender.
  11. To be honest, the modding community has done so much more for Minecraft that Mojang after the initial release that I wouldnt care if they finally stopped updating.
  12. It has Netflix but I do think it should play blu rays.
  13. It wasnt an intentional one no. I dont know if Lonk originally came from there or not. Its just something @Goafer showed me earlier this year.
  14. See thats an Amiibo I would actually buy. Along with the Lonk one.
  15. Once again people are talking like more power only equals better graphics
  16. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/07/04/minecraft-windows-10-edition-announced
  17. I'm just waiting to hear back if I can double my pledge and just specify at the end that I want both physical copies.
  18. Nintendo should really add a cartridge slot back into their next console to let me play all my old games on it.
  19. Has it been down again lately then? I haven't noticed it be down for months.
  20. Yeah. They've already hit the first reward though so I expect they'll make it. I plan to preorder once they get closer to the third. If it didn't look like they'd make it then I'd rather buy on PS4.
  21. If enough other people preorder it does
  22. Day One: MGS V Uncharted Collection Tales of Zestiria Fallout 4 Star Wars: Battlefront Maybe: God of War 3 Remaster Mighty No.9 Rise of the Tomb Raider (This would have been Day One but I'm not sure I am keeping my Xbox One) Rainbow Six: Siege I'll also be importing Persona 5 if it sticks to its 2015 US release. Also assuming No Man's Sky comes out this year then that will also be a Day One purchase.
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