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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Must be pretty lucky then as its a wide spread, well known issue.
  2. I was talking about this on another forum and while I do think Sony need to sort out download speeds on their service, I do think you can see the difference when actually playing games online from last gen to this gen.
  3. I really enjoyed what I played of it. It's a nice relaxing game with a good climbing mechanic. I need to get back to it soon actually.
  4. I already have Grow Home on PC but I'm still voting for it because I want others to get to try it.
  5. PlayStation Plus: Vote to Play kicks off this week
  6. Ive only played about 15 minutes but I'm already really creeped out lol They've created an amazing atmosphere to the game though. Simple things like hearing the clock ticking or walking into the pub and seeing smoke coming from the ash trays but nobody being around.
  7. Im also an item hoarder. Its less of an issue these days though with healing through abilities outside of battle instead of using a healing item.
  8. I still tend to get a lot of my games physical simply because of my slow Internet connection. It can take me days to download a 50 gig game.
  9. Really looking forward to playing this tonight. As usual being able to buy a game online and then set my PS4 to download it while I'm still at work is so helpful!
  10. Thanks, just bought it. It still doesnt show until you actually go into the basket if anyone else is looking. You have to start the checkout process to see the discount work.
  11. Maybe it's just the app then but I can't find it manually either. I'll try again when I get to work and maybe the discount will be up.
  12. I don't seem to be able to see it on the store at all
  13. Any of you heard anything about Empyrion - Galactic Survival? I just saw it pop up on Steam's front page and I'm tempted to get it. Seems a bit like a cross between Minecraft, Space Engineers and No Mans Sky. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=281387514
  14. So was that just a thing that varied from place to place because in my school it was just hold B and down.
  15. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a662722/anti-piracy-firm-for-adam-sandlers-pixels-is-being-a-little-heavy-handed.html
  16. I'd been looking forward to it for a while but after watching some videos and reading up on it, honestly I think it might be a bit more challenge than I'm looking for at the moment. Nothing against the game itself, just my skills lol. Probably be a game I'll pick up during a sale I think.
  17. Stand there and take it like men!
  18. Yep I'm still looking forward to getting the game. I've got two episodes of Life is Strange left to play this week so I should be done with those just as this game comes out and is downloaded.
  19. I see this has had a pretty bad opening weekend.... shocker
  20. Yeah it was a pretty crap match. Liverpool only really stepped it up in the last 15 minutes.
  21. Playing episode 2 at the moment. Not a fan of Chloe.
  22. Sorry to hear that Raining, that sucks
  23. Yeah, PC version or nothing!
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