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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. My birthday is next week and ive had the same problem. No idea what I can tell anyone to get me.
  2. I tend to wonder the same thing when it comes to streaming TV from the US as im still paying the Sky, Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions regardless.
  3. You lost me at megabroadband, I'm still on a 2.5 meg connection
  4. Just a warning for anyone who preordered with Amazon (some may already know this as I dont think its new), people have been reporting that if they change their address on their preorder or add a gift card to it then it resets their preorder in the queue and some of them are no longer guaranteed for 3rd March.
  5. I only ever saw it with anyone being able to challenge you but it may have changed since then.
  6. Yeah I think thats been in the last few Street Fighters. I tended to turn it off as it just got annoying.
  7. I'm at work with no speakers so cant hear it. Could you please hum the tune by typing out the noises? Thanks
  8. I think I've said this before but I think Nintendo should have tried to get one of the free to play MMOs onto the system for launch. I know its harder with the handheld side but an MMO would give people something to always be coming back to while they wait for new games. That or an Animal Crossing at launch would have kept people on the system daily. Maybe we'll get lucky and Animal Crossing Gamecube will be available at launch...
  9. I used to be a lot worse than I am these days. I tend to put that down to ease of access now. I dont need to pirate a game because Steam has made it easy for me to purchase it and play. Same kind of thing with most other media. I dont have to download comics anymore because I can just buy them on Comixology. I've got a few family members who use Kodi themselves but I've never really felt the urge myself. I'm happy enough with Netflix/Amazon Prime.
  10. Looks like RE7 is reviewing well and VR might be the best way to play it.
  11. One thing for me and the Switch not having media streaming is that if I ever plan on going out and think I may stream something etc then I'm never going to want to take a tablet and the Switch to weigh my bag down. I might have chosen to just bring the Switch with my so I could play Zelda as well but now I'll just be leaving the Switch at home and taking the iPad instead.
  12. I've got that book, its really nice. If I remember right @Cube bought it as well.
  13. I've read enough varied opinions on it that I decided to give it a go before I finally get Unlimited Bladeworks. I'd still rather make my own mind up with it.
  14. Couple of purchases from the past week or so:
  15. Really been getting back into Terraria on PC lately. I started a new world and character a while ago so I'm slowly working my way back through. I've just unlocked hard mode and am working towards getting my drill again.
  16. Still slowly working my way through the One Piece dvd collections. On no.7 at the moment in the middle of the Skypiea arc. Not sure how its viewed by everyone else but I'm feeling its one of the weaker ones so far personally. Just feels so disconnected (for obvious reasons) from the rest of the show so I cant bring myself to care too much about whats going on.
  17. Did anyone bother getting this? I quite liked the look of it but I've got so many games to play at the moment that I really shouldn't be buying yet another. Think I'll leave it until it appears in a sale.
  18. Slightly worried my PS4's blu ray drive may be going. Its had a bit of trouble this morning recognising that a DVD is in it. Think I might have to look up how easy they are to replace (or maybe just the sensor like I did with my PS3).
  19. Yeah I'd heard about this, very weird.
  20. I dont particularly like having a hard mode hidden behind an amiibo paywall but the idea of an easy mode in one is pretty disgusting. Basically punishing someone for struggling with a game and making them pay out to make it easier. Thankfully its only a theory of course and it better stay that way!
  21. God I hope not. That sounds terrible.
  22. I've explained my reasons in another post and as I said there its purely selfish on my part but I just dont want that kind of stuff in a gaming system if it isnt also linked to VR. I dont find it enjoyable in the slightest and I dont want the chance that a game I would otherwise be interested in becoming ruined by motion controls. I know it seems less likely with the Switch due to the way its designed but 1,2 Switch shows that Nintendo are not opposed to still designing games that way and thats what I dont want.
  23. The Switch really is an odd system for fighters if you dont have a pro controller or fight stick. I'm almost tempted to get this just to see how terribly it would control with the joycon's dpad alternatives.
  24. At the moment I am interested in it enough simply because its new tech (and I'm a sucker for that) so I'll keep my preorder. I dont think Nintendo have shown enough otherwise though. I think if they announced that there will be at least one or two Gamecube games at launch through the VC then I would be happy.
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