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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. No its a brand new game
  2. Yeah thanks, it turned out it was Chrome on my work PC. Came in this morning and it was still doing it so I reset all the settings and its fine now.
  3. Still feels like a bit of a waste of plastic really. Im sure 3DS sized cases would have been enough.
  4. Pfft, typical Nintendo stealing from Sony again!
  5. You can use a usb key now as well.
  6. Where has the 20 hour number come from?
  7. I would have went with colour but I don't like the mismatch. If it had been red or blue then definitely.
  8. Is the forum looking weird for anyone else? I'm using the N-Europe Full Width skin and fonts are the wrong type/colour and it looks like some images arent loading. I'm at work though so not able to check too much if its on my end.
  9. Its such a stupid decision, especially for people like me who dont plan on taking it out of the dock much! I refuse to buy the other grip though.
  10. Not happy that the Joycon grip that comes with the system isnt the one that allows you to charge from it. I didnt really want to have to keep putting the "Joycons" back on the system everytime I finish using it. I dont plan on taking the console out of the dock much so its just a bit of extra hassle.
  11. Batman on the Wii U did have a lot of frame rate issues though, at least at launch.
  12. The answer to the purchases going with you question worries the hell out of me.
  13. Yeah I was watching that mostly thinking that the differences were probably just choices they made later on. Like maybe they released the Wii U footage and afterwards felt like the cave was too dark etc.
  14. Apparently Jimmy Snuka has died.
  15. Thanks. Turns out I was only halfway through saving Tsubasa's sister so I've just finished doing that now.
  16. See for me, I dont think I would ever care if even normal rumble was removed from controllers. Its not a feature I've ever cared about.
  17. I never did go back to Xenoblade Chronicles X. As I said at the time, the entire game had a very PS2 feel to me which I was finding hard to get past. I doubt I'll have time to go back to it now with the other Wii U games I want to play and the great few months we have coming up on the other consoles.
  18. The problem for me is that I just doubt I'll be playing any games that'll really use the HD rumble. I hate motion control games (my heart sank when they started with those!) Saying that though, I don't particularly mind it being there for everyone else. I just hope devs don't try and shoehorn it in. I don't want the Switch being another gimmick console.
  19. Is there anything in the game or menus that explains what you are supposed to be doing? I've just come back to the game after not playing it for months and months, no idea what I'm doing! It looks like I last saved in a dungeon but I thought I had completed this one so I must be back in there for some other reason.
  20. Home console for me. I've never been much of a portable guy so this will stay docked the majority of the time and when its not its because I felt like sitting downstairs on the sofa for a bit.
  21. I was going to go with Bayonetta 2 first because it's the shortest but I've decided to go with TMS#FE so I can have the biggest amount of distance between that and Persona 5 to avoid feeling burnt out.
  22. If I am getting a Switch at launch (still not decided yet) then I think I need to start working on my backlog so I can pack the Wii U away to make some space. At the moment I'd like to try and complete: Twilight Princess HD Bayonetta 2 Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
  23. I've just finished rewatching the conference. They dont show the Wii U logo at the end of the Zelda trailer during that but it is there in the standalone trailer.
  24. Giant Bomb were saying yesterday they noticed more pop-in in the background when playing it undocked.
  25. Has the Wii U launch date actually been confirmed yet?
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