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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Reggie just seems like a terrible PR man to me. He always comes across as really defensive and now has this habit of shitting on stuff gamers actually like. Last time it was sharing and streaming services, this time it's wanting to use actual headsets etc for voice chat instead of shitty earbuds connected to your phone. I'm just glad Nintendo consoles have never been ones I want to do any online stuff with as otherwise I'd be pretty pissed at this instead of just amused and how fucking stupid they are.
  2. ShopTo really are jumping around with this image. This isn't the one I originally posted lol
  3. I mean if its phone only then what are kids supposed to do that dont have phones yet? Is this another example of Nintendo taking their kid protection stuff too far?
  4. ShopTo have updated the image now
  5. I've got no sound as im at work but someone was just holding a 256gb micro sd card with the Switch on the stream.
  6. ShopTo have the UK special edition for £79.85 http://www.shopto.net/video-games/switch/SWZE01-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-special-edition
  7. I have my preorder still but I'm not sure I'll keep it. The Switch definitely costs too much for what comes with it, especially as they are charging £60 for Zelda.
  8. They'll possibly get a lot of cancellations as well judging from a lot of our own comments here.
  9. Wait, that cant be right can it?
  10. I said I would be willing to pay £299 but that was with a game and pro controller bundled in.
  11. Just finished watching the presentation.... don't really know what to say about it. Couple of games that could be potentially interesting but i think I'm a lot less interested in the Switch than I was. I got a preorder from Amazon but I'm not sure I'll be keeping it.
  12. I preordered my PS4 with ShopTo and didn't get charged until shipping.
  13. Now I just want you to only ask those questions instead.
  14. Bit annoyed that my question isnt on there...
  15. I still tend to go physical with my console purchases but I do love my Steam library. If the digital prices were sorted out and storage wasn't an issue I would happily switch over to exclusively digital. I guess the only other problem I have though is download speeds. It's always a shame when I buy a game on Steam that I'm excited to play and then have to wait days for the 50 gigs to download.
  16. @Ashley Please ask them what colour the N64 was
  17. It did seem to look worse each time it was shown. Shame though, at the beginning I thought it had promise.
  18. I'll leave the image in spoiler tags just incase people dont want to see
  19. I got one this weekend actually so I'll have a look myself as well.
  20. Guy on AGDQ at the moment is playing Battle Clash with the super scope facing away from the tv and using a mirror to aim
  21. We should arrange our first NE rooftop party meetup for the Switch's launch.
  22. Nope. Only Zelda game I have ever completed is A Link Between Worlds.
  23. I wonder if this will end up being the first 3D Zelda game I actually complete. I think with enough time I'll probably finish Twilight Princess HD but I've still got a massive backlog to play between now and March (if this comes in March) that is going to keep be from carrying on with TPHD.
  24. I think what you have to remember as well is that those who want the third parties and good ports onboard even though they dont plan to buy them, want them because they want Nintendo and the Switch to do well. We all saw what happened with the Wii U.
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