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Everything posted by Happenstance

  2. Think you might be overestimating Bubsy nostalgia
  3. [tweet]872884388022956032[/tweet]
  4. Thats what I do every year. I just tend to say I wont be doing that the night before then getting up anyway.
  5. That sucks sorry Cube. I feel like I'm in a similar position. Forced to move from full time to part time last year and now my department is going to be overseen by the marketing manager at the school who is just a nightmare to work with. She hasn't even taken over yet and she's already causing trouble everywhere. I got so annoyed the other week I had to go take a walk otherwise I'm pretty sure I would have smashed something in my office. I'm looking for work elsewhere but not having any luck so far. I just need anything really at this point to get me out of that damn school.
  6. They just sent out a backer email today saying the release date has been pushed back to the second half of 2018.
  7. Given how little we have actually seen of Shenmue 3 at this point its probably a safer bet to assume 1 and 2 HD will come out before that ever does
  8. Its also my shout every year. Cant stop believing!
  9. Nope, its Sega with Shenmue 1 & 2 HD
  10. [tweet]872275467620855808[/tweet]
  11. Bought myself a Harmony Hub to allow me to control my TV and consoles with my Amazon Echo to allow me to be even more lazy.
  12. I don't think I liked it as much as most people. The setting and story just didn't really do it for me. I did however think Gadot was brilliant as Wonder Woman so I think I may like the sequel more when we'll get modern day stuff. Still probably my favourite of the DCEU movies but with such a low bar that doesn't say much.
  13. [tweet]872088335501709312[/tweet]
  14. That actually makes me feel a bit better then. It made it seem like the update system was badly designed and wouldn't just cancel a download and start the new one. 24 gigs is way too big of an update though. Xbox is easily the worst this gen for oversized patches. I can just about accept it for some day one patches but updates that big afterwards drive me nuts.
  15. [tweet]872140173160665089[/tweet]
  16. Thought I might finally try and get back to playing some Xbox One games today so I set my Xbox to download a load of updates while I was at work. Stupid system! Instead of cancelling the previous Gears 4 one that had been paused a while ago it spent all day downloading it then when I got home it told me there was now another 24 gig update for Gears 4 to download!
  17. I just want a new DOA game now.
  18. I think it's a bit of a shame that they're cutting back on some of the chatter. I quite liked being able to put names and faces to the execs over the years. No way I'd know who people like Shawn Layden, Andrew House or Shu Yoshida were without those conferences.
  19. As usual I cant wait for E3. I'm gonna be knackered next week! Got to watch Giant Bomb talk over the press conferences live and then also watch their after hours interview shows.
  20. Yeah, I kind of forgot where I was when I suggested that :P
  21. I wonder if it would be worth merging all the gaming sections into one big one?
  22. I hope this does revitalise the forum a bit. I would love to see the general section become as active as it used to be.
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