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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. It's awesome seeing so many old faces posting. I hope you all decide to stay for a while (or forever..... ) Last I remember you got engaged right @nightwolf?
  2. Yeah I'm liking the look of it. Looks like it should just be a fun show.
  3. That’s awesome, I look forward to hearing what you think of night 2.
  4. Doesn’t look like I posted in that original thread either. I’m Phil I’m 35 years old I’m still single and so very lonely Didn't carry on to Uni after college as I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do I currently (when not furloughed) work at a private school managing their various databases and providing IT support mainly to the admin team I live in a tiny village in the Midlands and would love to move to a city if I could afford it.....which I can’t I don’t game as much as I used to but still enjoy it from time to time I have 1 sister and 2 half brothers (who I haven’t spoken to in years) I support Liverpool FC and we finally just won the Premiership so it finally was “our year!” Still enjoy a lot of the geekier hobbies, just don’t have as much time for them these days I guess
  5. Yep, as expected the ban has been lifted. Feels like these things always get overturned on appeal.
  6. So, we’ll find out in a minute if Man City’s European ban gets overturned. Any predictions?
  7. Day 13 - Best Open World City Game Tempting to go with a Yakuza game here but I think this one has to go to Sleeping Dogs. I loved everything about that game and the city was gorgeous.
  8. We tried getting rid of the Mega threads a few years ago and it wasn’t a popular move. I don’t remember the conversations getting any better after it to be honest. I think there’s a happy middle ground where you can keep them but still encourage new threads to be created.
  9. Hey Supergrunch! How’ve you been?
  10. I gave up in the end. Managed to get into uPlay then their link to get Watch Dogs 2 free took you back to the website where you had to login again and of course I couldn't.
  11. Well not surprisingly the uPlay servers are dying so people can't login to claim the game anyway.
  12. I enjoy reading the actual threads on Reddit but I have never been able to fully get my head around the comments. I don’t get how people can have any conversations in them.
  13. I still prefer forums over other social media platforms but other than a few larger ones they have been on the decline. It’s such a shame as well as I think forums lend themselves much better to discussions and not just snap posts without much thought behind them. Still though, I’ve enjoyed NE this weekend more than I have in a while so hopefully more old members will stop by, some may want to hang around and the rest of us will put a bit more effort into starting conversations as Raining has here.
  14. https://www.ign.com/articles/ubisoft-will-not-directly-address-abuse-allegations-during-ubisoft-forward Ubisoft have confirmed that because tonight’s stream is pre-recorded it won’t be addressing the allegations.
  15. If only you used Strava then we’d have proof of this and could offer congratulations For now I will just call you a dirty liar.
  16. Bim was a troublemaker, we don’t want him back.
  17. I always found physical books annoying, having to hold them open or prop them against something as I try to read. I love just holding my kindle or as I am doing at the moment, just reading on the kindle app using my ipad with it's stand so the only movement I have to make is tapping the screen to turn the page. The only thing I miss is keeping books on a bookshelf. The same with all my physical media, I did like seeing it on display.
  18. I rebought this on Steam during the sale and am enjoying it a lot more now I've given myself the chance to get into it. Only just got my first party member though so not that far in. I was tempted by the Switch version for the extra content and 2D mode but the cheaper price and higher frame rate of the PC version won me over.
  19. I still tend to go see the big blockbuster movies at the cinema (probably mostly Marvel ones at this point) but other than those I tend to wait until a blu ray or streaming release.
  20. As @Goaferand I are just starting to get into Tabletop Simulator on Steam I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any recommendations of other real life tabletop games they love that I could search for in the game?
  21. So when the cinemas reopen is anyone planning on actually going back? Given that some are playing classic movies (I think Empire Strikes Back is getting a run?) I would be tempted but even without the pandemic cinemas always feel stuffy and like I could catch something at any minute so I don't think I can bring myself to sit in one for 2 hours just yet.
  22. Any chance I could borrow some money?
  23. Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game This was a tough one for me, I assume because I have such a good taste in games but I went with Shaq Fu. I had it on the Mega Drive and always had a soft spot for it.
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