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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Nolan


    I could maybe do Sunday depending on what time. I'm like 5 hours behind.
  2. Well. I just heard some Switch buzz on the radio. Just a in between songs blurb by the DJ that a lot of people are talking about it and that when he watched the reveal and saw the Mario game he got excited and nostalgic for Mario 64. So Nintendo might not be saying much, but by finally revealing the damn thing social media buzz is hitting mainstream media and that's a good thing.
  3. Nolan


    Alternatively if you're sane and need a new box of raisins, Eris will give one.
  4. Underperformed how?
  5. Nolan


    As of now everything is 385 (with most things having duplicates for alt characters to be 385) the skeleton key dropped a Titan mark at 388 or 387? Like a single point ahead of my other mark. So not really useless, just not as useful as legendaries and Exotics dropping. At least those give cryptarch rep. As it is, yeah outside of doing a rare raid I think Archons Forge will be my random activity of choice.
  6. Cute and kinda fun. Reminds me a bit of Ni No Kuni. The creature that spoke and liked to add "the" in front of random words ruined it for me though.
  7. Nolan


    I just liked to bitch in this thread sorry. Finally 385, by way of a blue helm drop. 10 strikes and 3oC and no Exotics and a single lengerary drop so far. Well two purples one being a skeleton key that was useless.
  8. Achievements/Trophies are a very interesting part of the metagame and they need to be handled correctly. A set sort of standard certainly helps, but there needs to be a draw for them to be successful. Anecdotal evidence but humor me. My brother in law had a original 360 (until the disc drive broke no rrod) and he just played games, had literally no interest in achievement hunting. Instead of replacing/fixing the 360 he got a PS3 (friends were on it) and suddenly what games that had trophies he wanted to collect trophies in. Whatever weird psychological differences between the two, one mattered more. I suspect the lack of an arbitrary number score and the change to the metal type of the medal to be the factor. Nintendo can't just add them and go, "hey we have this now" the way Steam did. There needs to be actual thought into it.
  9. Nolan


    It only took an hour tonight....with a fire team in party chat and constant coordination. Fun times.
  10. Huh....and I thought most games looked pretty good on the vita.
  11. Being the hybrid that it is, I wonder if down the line something similar to the Samsung Gear VR could become available. Take it out the dock, slide it into a headset and grab the controllers and have fun.
  12. [tweet]789114114283040768[/tweet] (I dunno how to embed tweets) never mind.
  13. I wouldn't call it a trailer at all. Doing so just insults actual trailers. It was a teaser
  14. Sonic crossover game. Mario just runs forward to the end of the level collecting rings. Won't be shit unlike modern sonic.
  15. And Grasshopper, come on Suda we need a No More Heroes 3
  16. It's a good sign though in that Bethesda has been ignoring Nintendo consoles forever. It's likely just them cashing in on the already being created definitive edition for the Xbone and PS4. Slick kit though, a good aesthetic like the PS Vita and unlike the Wii U gamepad.
  17. Who needs party chat with all that adhoc network multiplayer. Come on man, get with the times.
  18. Well huh.... at least it looks like Bethesda is finally on board with Nintendo products. It's a slick looking piece of kit at least. PS Vita like as opposed to Gamepad like.
  19. Really? I can think of plenty of people that confident and ballsy and dead wrong. Hell usually they run for and attain political positions.....
  20. Nolan


    Bungie tweaked the Omnigul strike to make it a complete pain in the ass again I think. Knights and Wizards were spawning way quicker than they had been. Edit: probably due to fresh troops maybe. All the same, fuck bungie and fuck Omnigul and her non-exotic dropping ass.
  21. I never had the controller lag until last week actually. Happened twice and then nothing. I was playing alone and. O party chat.
  22. I've had my audio delayed before but it's also being passed to a soundbar so turning it all on at once can confuse them all talking for a couple seconds. As for download speeds all 3 consoles are pretty much shit in my opinion. I could get on steam and download something 3 times the size of a given game about 2-3 times as quick.
  23. Nolan


    Fortyfive fucking minutes. That's how long it took to do The Wretched Eye. Almost all of that time spent on the boss. First two guys were godawful. Couldn't stay out of void burn for longer than half a second before dying. They quit two more join doing a lot better, but not good enough so one of those two quit and yet another player replaces them. Still took a few tries after that.
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