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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Persona games are the epitome of honor. It's all about sacrificing your friends and school work to save the world right?
  2. I had to use an Ethernet cable. That might have helped, it was odd because both systems were connected to the same network but it still demanded a cable.
  3. Sounds like an unlucky break for you Choze. But if Amazon habitually do it to you makes sense to drop Prime. My Pro arrived well before I got home. I unboxed real quick and after reading Dafts post of transferring taking hours I decided to put it off until today. My console said 60 minutes, and the actual transfer screen says 371GB- 120minutes remaining. So just how much were you transferring @Daft ? Also I think I'm really going to need to delve into my TVs settings to make sure I'm getting the best possible picture. HDR and 4K and such all. I already got a notification that I might not have the best color settings and may need to adjust my TV to see if supported resolutions change. (Currently YUV420) Annnd just read up on it. No passthrough support so I need to plug it into my TV directly. Easy enough fix.
  4. That's kinda neat I guess. Not sure I like the chrome trim
  5. Hmmm. Now to decide if I want to stick with the upgraded 1TB (making due with the 500 in the OG PS4 is a hassle) or since I'm starting fresh, pop in the 512 SSD I have laying about unused. More vs Fast. :/
  6. I feel like rereading Transmetropolitan again. In the US that's essentially maintaining status quo rather than giving an impression. There are a lot of people that believe along those lines. And yes, Trump did get votes based on that bigotry. A lot or a few who really knows but I have no doubts there were some.
  7. 3% to Johnson 1% to Stein and 0.7% to others. So damn near 5% total according to the numbers google is reporting.
  8. Whelp, Amazon has shipped mine.
  9. I never did get the Mile High achievement. Always a second or two off. I might get this whenever it gets separated from infinite warfare. Have no real interest in CoD anymore, especially with things like Titanfall 2 out.
  10. That's what Supersampling is though. Render at a higher resolution, downsample to the monitor resolution. Brute force AA really. Definitely not free, but developer work is basically as far as getting the game running at a higher native resolution.
  11. Pretty sure that's correct. I know felons can't vote, so I'm fairly certain they can't hold office either. So a felony conviction would make him ineligible to be president. Though I suppose he might just be forced into resigning rather than impeached.
  12. I made mine just a few days, just in time I suppose.
  13. I'd love for us to get over it. But those in power want to maintain the current status quo and that sort of getting over it would make that a bit harder to maintain. I find it unlikely the investigation will have any findings to harm her in anyway. A republican agent is the one that originally found her incompetent as opposed to willfully negligent.
  14. It's a holdover from WWII and Cold War propaganda. Most don't know the difference between socialism and communism, but all know that's what the "evil bad guys are in Europe and Russia" were. Americans are stupid, and it certainly doesn't help when the two big parties still treat socialism as a dirty word furthering the misconception of how it actually works. Nothing will change. It's literally too close to the election anyways.
  15. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. ^ Sadly Bernie got shafted by the DNC and he stuck with his word to back Hillary. Not that he ever had a huge shot anyways. He's a Socialist essentially and that's still a dirty word in US politics.
  16. Hillary is a lying cunt, once again under investigation by the FBI. She should be in jail. Trump is a raging idiot who's idiocy is only rivaled by his supporters. Neither are good choices, and it's frankly frightening that one of the two is almost certainly going to win the election. There are a couple other half decent candidates "technically" in the running but the US is so ingrained in the two party system that other parties essentially don't exist in the eyes of the public. So the few people without their head up their own asses that vote independent are basically throwing their vote away. Furthermore the electoral college is still a bullshit institution where the popular vote doesn't matter. The popular vote matters so little that a candidate can win a state and the college can vote opposite of that. The country is fucked. The fantastic irony is that a decade ago the American public were certain no one could be worse than Bush. Last few years people have been saying the same thing about Obama....Whelp. Here we are.
  17. Short answer, Yes. Longer answer, mostly pessimistic. It's much harder to be disappointed if you assume the worst about everything.
  18. Like a Nintendo game eh? Interesting bold words there. My buddy got it I'll have to ask his opinion.
  19. I'll be working all day and the following day so no real plans. Every year I toy with the idea of being Tobias Funke, all blued and nevernude.
  20. I've never had an issue with my mouse. Deathadder I think. That Razer controller looks uncomfortably wide and very similar to the Xbox One controller. But I really like the Mic controllers at the bottom. Seems simpler than running my hand up the cord to find my mute.
  21. Well I know it's not legal in the states, though probably still a fight to get them to honor it.
  22. If you've already made payment isn't it illegal to up the price and charge the new amount?
  23. I never did finish 1 on the PS3 or even start 2. So yeah. They'll probably get my money again.
  24. Controller was fully charged and could turn on the console regardless. Just after powering on it refused to pair. That was unsuccessful but a good idea. Last night I couldn't really be arsed, but today I just unplugged the PS4 to get it out of rest mode and now it's paired fine.
  25. Well fuck. Plugged in and unplugged my PS4 controller can turn the console on, but either way gets stuck at "press the PS button to use the controller." I can't get past that screen.
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