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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. Nice one, cheers Jimbob. Eight man room?
  2. Sounds mental. In b4 win.
  3. What do base layers do?
  4. Yeah you're cray cray, Uncharted 3 DLC was fucking gross. (sick). Shit I wanna play that game. Dwarf text me. Name the time, I'll come on.
  5. Great birthday! #PresentDistribution Happy birthday brah.
  6. My niece was just born! Scarlett Paula Thomson.
  7. Don't most games combine things happening with things happening as a result of you pressing buttons? :p
  8. We (me....least well played of the mafia) were extraordinarily lucky. Man this game was really interesting. Thoroughly enjoyed it, and the no-night phase thing is brilliant.
  9. Vote : Sheikah
  10. I'm not really convinced by the lynching of Rummy. I'd urge us to slow down, as mentioned we still have a number of days to hammer this out.
  11. I love pornography. (To answer the inevitable question ; sub-genres).
  12. I would like to address peoples fears of my quietness - I have simply not had much to add at this stage. I have total belief in the plan. The people I find suspicious are anyone AGAINST the plan. Up until the point that we hit a mafia, I don't really see how much at all can be gained by behaviours, then we can go back, look at claims/backings up or avoidance of voting particular individuals. If Jonnas is lynched and Jonnas refused to RNG someone, that's when it will get "interesting" #Monica Vote : Jonnas
  13. Buses on wheels?
  14. Slightly suspicious that you've just been tagged by the RNG from Shorty. Anyway, I think the plan is the best we have got. We know it's a random choice. Vote : Shorty
  15. Maybe I shoukd try the first one. Stick in the tip and see if I like it.
  16. I watched S1 when it came out and just caught up on the remaining 3. Very good. I am DESPERATE to read the books....but....like...I don't do books. Will I read them? Is there audio books?
  17. Why will it get worse?
  18. I view Sheikah's plan as easily being the best POA so far. I mean....the points above of mafia changing the course of the tactic....isn't that impossible without showing yourself as mafia? "Oh I no longer like the plan" As long as everyone likes the plan, and everyone gives an RNG....it should be fine, until we hit a mafia (and we know it) by which point....other stuff will happen...I guess. Anyway, in the interests of fairness I just RNG'd and got Cube.
  19. Yeah, how is everyone? Have we got a solid confirmed list? Let's play more Ninja. Someone should do a mafia. (I MIGHT do a more simplified mafia, again with character sheets and such, just need to see if I have time to plan it). Etc.
  20. Is this any good?
  21. This will be interestijg. I wikk mmm mull ny tactics and return.
  22. *Vomits everywhere*
  23. Well he lives up to his name now.
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