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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. Yeah I just couldn't get to grips with this game. I honestly didn't have a clue who was what, so I couldn't input much! Kudos for mixing it up and for running it Peeps.
  2. I feel you've been relatively quiet and (I am not one to talk LOL) but....whatevs. Also avoiding penalty vote.
  3. Mr-Paul, whats your power?
  4. How the fuck do you do so well at Demmerz.
  5. Can I get excited yet? Someone let me know when it's confirmed because I have a big, large font, bolded "Hnnnngggg" lined up.
  6. So you're....like....the best person ever?
  7. Yeeeeesssss. It only gets better from here. Well episode 7 is the turning point in my eyes from "Oh this is okay" to "Oh okay, it's something special".
  8. Vote : Jonnas
  9. Ha. Fools. How To Train Your Dragon is a series with a constantly evolving status quo and dramatic character changes and character arcs. It's character designs are great and it's characters are not overly cliched (which is obviously a triumph for big Hollywood animations). It's a fantastic series. Anyone who says otherwise is deluded and should be brushed aside.
  10. Before today, the last time I targeted was on the 8th July, which was myself. Today I targeted you (Jonnas).
  11. @Cube, why are people voting for you?
  12. I've only sent two targets so far (which I guess means I didn't for phase 3) and have not yet used my power this phase.
  13. Claire had this about six months ago. She was worried out of her mind for about 2-3 weeks inbetween the letter and the smear test, she spent ALL her spare time Googling it and finding out about stuff and ultimately it was nothing, she just had to have a slightly unpleasant (but brief) procedure to remove the cells and now she's fine. You can pass on that anecdote to your friend if you think it will help.
  14. Why are you suspicious?
  15. Why me brah? Oh, I'm being a fucking idiot that's why. I didn't see Sheikah's question. N1 Yvonne N2 Jonnas
  16. @Sheikah - what's your power bro?
  17. I've downloaded the books (audio). Game Of Thrones is 33 hours long. Whoaz.
  18. Nah, just curious in case I ever do. They're a bit infamous.
  19. I disagree, I think he's captured some of my features quite well. Animal that's incredible, although I'm a little disappointed you didn't call her a cunt.
  20. One of the people who subscribes to Food Review UK works at Ubisoft as an artist. He practises each evening. Last night he decided to draw me. (I coloured it). Original (#RolfHarris)
  21. What was the root canal like?
  22. Simply because he is one of the only people to post, and specifically being confrontational. (Lol).
  23. @Tales, what's your power?
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