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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Yeah I find strikers the hardest to develop. My defence in all three of my teams I manage are the best part of my side but my offence is weak! I'd say get rid.
  2. Saw this on facebook - so true!
  3. Spurs have lost VDV, big loss and no real replacement. After all the prospects, Levy has done crap in this transfer window. Saw the highlights of our game last night (was at a wedding so no chance to see it!) and we sounded awful!
  4. Fuck yeah, thrashed Bayern Alwayslusen.
  5. I think my girlfriend was with her mum once shopping and even though she was over 18 she didn't need to bring her ID since her mum was just buying wine as part of the shopping like normal. She was refused because the gf didn't have ID. Such a grey/stupid area.
  6. Apparently Man City have put in an £18 million bid for United's group B. :p
  7. N-E Spa meet courtesy of Goron?
  8. Yeaaaah, I've posted the song above already. Nice of you to notice
  9. I'm sitting here revising my "boring numbers". Come at me bro!
  10. As if you fucking made it! Massive congrats! I think you should make a poster representing N-E (or just me :p) for everyone's efforts!
  11. Mass Effect 3
  12. Liverpool again linked with Sturbridge. That'll be £35m please!
  13. The one that you are led to when you click 'Chat' @nightwolf enjoys mutilation. That's all I took away from last night.
  14. @Zell, join me and tales?
  15. PLEASE GIVE ME A JOB [/Moogle]
  16. New song, tune
  17. Say I planned on going against Terramorphous, but none of my friends online are playing, can I join another party online randomly for co-op action?
  18. Screw you Madpool, I'll join Tales! :p
  19. Only if you win.
  20. If using my current electric shaver to trim it doesn't do a great job and just remains a crappy beard. If I clean shave with the shaver it leaves my neck red! Decisions, decisions.
  21. I'm not sure whether to invest £25 when I don't know if it's going to do what I want/ make me look stupid!
  22. Can you only play co-op with friends on 360? Or can you join a raid?
  23. Yes, overall you should have won! Very impressed with Sterling, great little prospect.
  24. I hate you.
  25. I love Little Kings Story, but the difficulty curve is sometimes ridiculous, it put me off playing it and now that I've been busy and not played it for a while I feel I won't remember what to do and that'll make it even harder. Pretty sure I got stuck on the egg boss.
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