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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Everytime you post in this thread I look forward to what new excuse you can use. I don't want that, I want progress, I want you to do a King_V and make a whole damn thread about getting laid! Also, in searching for something pokemon related, I found this:
  2. @MoogleViper, good luck! I'm sure most people wouldn't know about the graphs, it is just about taking what you can from them probably.
  3. AMA? Wow, leaving yourself open to some awkward Reddit style questions without the extra A! Have you had to fight off any dingos from the two kids you're supposed to be looking after yet?
  4. I think you over-exaggerate how your life comes to a stand still when a new game comes out/ something relating to pokemon.
  5. I always check out new releases and read them if they ever take my fancy. I very rarely make a comment on the articles but that isn't to say I don't appreciate them though!
  6. I purposely didn't say anything about that in here in case it reminded him!
  7. Yeah, I'm just going to turn you down. Just so I can say the almighty Elites can turn away opposition.
  8. Would a little blind girl be left on her own like that?
  9. No more can @MadDog go on about Liverpool's sponsorship deal :p
  10. Bought a new forward because my current lot were letting the rest of my team down. Someone to help show the youth the tricks of the trade. Not for a hefty price either which I'm happy about.
  11. Surely I'm Pichu, everyone knows I'm electrifying!



  12. Nice! Are you training for a qualification?
  13. I've never been to Bristol!
  14. What are you doing now? I saw you have a full time job now but can't remember if you ever posted what it is!
  15. I wasn't accusing you personally, I understand that it would be a much more important factor in your future relationships. I was talking about others who believe it is a be all end all if their girlfriends don't enjoy video games at all.
  16. Similar doesn't mean exactly the same. If they don't like gaming, that is only 1 interest. You guys are so picky!
  17. You never email me
  18. I've picked up Spanish at various points, and some of it has stuck. We can have a lovely conversation if I ever meet you Flinky.
  19. I read this thread the other day and posted a thread about the recession (as gloomy as that was) to try and spur on conversation but it has just been bumped down down down. I agree with Zell though, we should all do our bit to be pro-active and create more threads/ more posts! Long live N-E.
  20. I'm with Diageo, I don't spend every single waking minute with my girlfriend so I have my own time to chill and play games when I want. If you obviously can't do what you want, you're so under the thumb it is unbelievable. Also, I see @Serebii in the near future breaking down after failing with online dating and begging for Flinky, just like he's broken down on the online dating. It is just a matter of time.
  21. Which one am I?

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