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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Sorry I'm too busy at the moment! That and I just plain don't like you! 10-7
  2. She's hot! Go for it! Change your damn picture Serebii.
  3. Haden played defensive and kept me quiet! Not much else to report. Ended up losing to my rubbish opponents :[ but into 4th!
  4. I think Dead Rising had something similar. Sort of.
  5. It helps me sleep better.

  6. I do that in the car. Give way/allow them to go past to someone who doesn't say thanks so I simply put my hand up as if to say thanks to them and mouth clearly "YOU'RE WELCOME" or "DICKHEAD". Depending on the anger I'm feeling at the time:grin:
  7. I read 'this is my last season' and my heart skipped a beat! I need an opponent who I know I can always rely on getting points off! You can't leave me!
  8. I thought size didn't matter?
  9. Is that you excuse for not winning the league yet? :p
  10. FTFY......
  11. Is it sad that I saw the words 'two of us' on his profile and the song from Bill Withers played in my head?
  12. Yeah! That's the spirit, you never want to lose. Make sure your younger players are getting games though. They will be the future so you have to prepare for that. I'm sure you've had to settle for 4th in the top league when me and Haden were busy winning the league
  13. No-one wants to go up to the top league yet! I was supposed to be relegated from this middle league last year but at the moment I'm not struggling too much! Shows my change report and determination on DV last season worked!
  14. I feel the same way. I'm up into second which is a dangerous position, but losing is not an option :p Especially against my next rubbish opponents!
  15. Send me your details and I'll look after your team!
  16. I was writing on my phone and it wrongfully corrected things / I didn't check before I posted. I was suggesting we talk about things we do ourselves that may seem slightly weird.
  17. Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start. I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.
  18. I know the things you've let sleep in your bed Ashley, they are just as bad if not worse.
  19. I got all 151 pokemon, think that is the only 100% completed game I have!
  20. Eights to win 1 -0. 3-1 chances.
  21. The times reported it on Sunday as well. Other sources have mentioned the same. All I'm showing you is my proof after your dismissal of my claims. Plus a sweet gif of a classic youtube vid.
  22. CBA to change my results after Bob pointed out my mistake :p The double vote stays!
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