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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. What about Chrono Trigger? Will Ghost Trick take a little while to complete?
  2. Nando, could you put in a bit of a narrative as to why I should get it?
  3. I can't tell whether the indented slightly in your post was sarcasm or not. I didn't stay to watch podium so was it actually quite bad? Hopefully it'll be reported. That's disgusting.
  4. It makes me amused when people instantly think someone wearing a brand label must be so happy with themselves because they're wearing something branded. Ted Baker has top quality stuff and I wouldn't class it as expensive. I don't ha e anything from them but still!
  5. I won't have internet! Hopefully I'll manage to survive for a week! Also having to import a game if it wasn't released in the UK may take a while so I guess Radiant Historia isn't viable :p Can I play Ace Attorney without having to look crazy to people because I'm speaking to handheld console? :p
  6. I like the sound of that! Thanks Magnus, you do have your uses after all :p
  7. Well you can gross TWEWY, Pokemon, AW, GTA off the list. I've played those, yet to complete TWEWY so may just start that again. I like the idea of Ace Attorney but less keen on the idea of having to shout at my DS! I'm a fan of RPGs so could you tell me more about Radiant Historia?
  8. Don't listen to Jonnas, DuD, as clearly no-one likes his games :p
  9. So if someone kept calling you vile in real life instead of Ville (on the basis that is your real name :p) you wouldn't have any problems with it?
  10. Like this? And no, that is not me!
  11. So I'm going on holiday next week and it'll be nice and relaxing by the pool. I like to have something to keep me busy which is why I always find a renewed love for my DS every summer. Can anyone recommend an old or new game that'll keep me preoccupied for a week? Last year I bought a Professor Layton game which was very good so I'm thinking I may just pick up another relatively cheaply. Just interested to know what are some recommendations from you guys!
  12. This is exactly what I was trying to describe, the shoe lace analogy I can picture myself doing back in the day as well! I don't do it as much anymore, but sometimes when I get bumped on the hand/ leg or something I just get an urge to balance things out.
  13. I was a bit disappointed in Stewards' decision to penalise Vettel for Alonso's decision to overtake on the grass, but when you see the replay the amount of extra speed Alonso had was amazing. Perez did phenomenally today, just a couple more laps and Hamilton would have been seriously worried. Shame about Button and the two Red Bulls as well, it was the car that let them down (though also Webber was partly at fault for his :p). Lots of overtaking so a really enjoyable race!
  14. I think that is quite strange, it'll all be cold! My cousin does something similar to this, he'll eat all the bits he wants to as he goes in phases and then take ages to eat the rest and usually gets bored with what's left. I'm one of those who leaves my favourite items on the plate till last. I also don't mix a lot of my foods, I seem to eat each item on its own rather than take a bit of everything on my plate in each mouthful.
  15. I disagree with JonST. Looks good Aneres, particularly the jacket. I know the price depends on the item, which is why I picked t-shirt as that is bog standard item everyone wears! (Unless they're Ashley who doesn't seem to wear anything when I see him). For work I have to wear for business casual normally and because I'm wearing this most of the time I see the need to buy something I like to see myself in as opposed to a couple of co-workers who just bought something to get them by.
  16. 3 please Haden
  17. So how much would you say is normal for a t-shirt then? I think this is the true test - how much would people consider reasonable for a t-shirt? Myself like Caris also like my clothes, I will wear something because it looks good and not because everyone else has one. My ex-housemate used to buy the cheapest crap that everyone else had to fit in but look 'alternative' at the same time. After a couple of washes it looked awful. I think I also do what Jay7 does and go through phases of liking and un-liking clothing yet never getting the urge to throw it away in case I want it in the future!
  18. It's all about the giant balloons with an elastic band attached. Such a simple concept!
  19. I just like the gif. I don't get what you're saying about the balloons, are you just touching the wrinkly part? I've done that.
  21. Surely the packing method you guys are saying as OCD i.e. heavy stuff on bottom or fridge bound items together is just plain common sense? I know more people who pack like that than just stuff it all in wherever.
  22. I don't know what you're talking about
  23. Advertising done right.
  24. Talk to @Murr
  25. If only I'd won that match Cowman would be supporting me
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