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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Except you wouldn't be able to reply the day after :p
  2. Does everyone else have their PMs then?
  3. I have some game vouchers to spend, told my girlfriend I was going to buy new pokemon. She gave me such a look of disgust She won't stop me though! Shame I won't be getting Zoroark since I don't have the legendary dogs
  4. My interest in the Wii has fallen substantially so I don't really venture in there much except to read about new news on Zelda. I venture into other gaming threads particularly other consoles and DS for games I'm interested in but because my gaming collection is so sparse and insignificant I don't have the same extent of gaming knowledge as many Gamers in these sections of the site. So I rarely post but merely lurk to see what people's opinions are. Whilst I initially came on here to read about the 'Revolution' before it became the Wii, my gaming time and prowess has diminished which as a result has led me to focus more on the social side of the forum. For anyone saying they don't like any threads in the GCC, make a thread and I'm sure some people will like what you post about?
  5. Vote: ReZ That better?
  6. I didn't see that coming at all either Chair. Great turning point.
  7. People who can talk outside of the thread but have no other powers? With all these good people being killed, I really don't believe you guys. Vote: Diageo
  8. Looks like a BIG night for you ReZ :p Only pictures and no videos made? You must have been drunk.
  9. It was pretty great tbf.
  10. Proof I shouldn't have twitter!
  11. I think a restart/ different mafia is needed. Everyone can't really remember what went on so any leads/ideas may be lost ruining the game.
  12. More like Crappyton Athletic!
  13. Is this the Apprentice product that stops you from slouching? Or it was at least on another program like Dragon's Den or something.
  14. I'm not sure where that was a failed joke or you really think STDs can't be caught by needles just as easy. Fish, some of your ideas have some promise, I'm not sure how well fund-able they would be in practical use but obviously no-one would! I do however think your reform of the House of Lords is partly wrong. The amount of people with life long terms in the HoL has vastly decreased, so whilst I agree they should be gotten rid of, the rest who are the leaders in their various areas (including religion) should still be there. The HoC are full of politicians doing what they can for their constituency so only when the HoL with actual specialists get to look at the proposed bill that strong scrutiny can take place. Errrr yeah, think that's it.
  15. This is definitely worst part of my day.
  16. I wish I could get involved in this twitter thing, I just don't feel as though my life is exciting for people to actually read about it. Today I went to work, had a fight with my girlfriend and just lost at poker. Anyone want to read/ talk about that? Really :p
  17. It is meant to. She'd be alllllllllllll over you
  18. To be fair, doesn't Slaggis have a similar hair style as well as others here? Little girls go crazy for bieber MadDog, you're set for life
  19. Yeah Charlie, I would suggest changing you name, I never thought Bayern Bru was that good, just reminded me of the drink! Though the names you suggested weren't very good, keep thinking I suggest!
  20. Huzzah I won and stayed up! Thanks for the well wishes everyone :p Hopefully my development will allow me to be more capable next season but I think it was all really close this season in the top league.
  21. Yeah I also got dragged to see it by my other half. It looked good and I knew reviews were supposedly raving about the film but it just wasn't something I would choose to see. Whilst I did enjoy it a lot and can agree with why it has been scored so highly in reviews, I didn't think it was amazing in my opinion. Probably because it wasn't the type of film I really enjoy I guess, much like why I'm hesitating at seeing Black Swan. I'd enjoy it once someone made me watch it but its the initial dragging me there that would be the hard part.
  22. Not just when he posts? ...Just me then? I'm joking of course Diageo
  23. You don't absorb yourself into Arrested Development. You find it funny and want to watch more and more and more and more. Besides, me and ReZ didn't understand Chair's reference either. And Rez's and my references are hard to explain and it'll be one of those times where you explain something to rid them of their curiosity but to them it really isn't funny since it is out of context and sounds odd without the scene having been watched.
  24. Watch Arrested Development. Then you'll understand what the last few posts have been about
  25. So Diageo knows something ReZ doesn't? This pairing is toooo fishy. Why don't you guys at least help everyone by giving us clues who you are?
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