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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Maybe I don't recall correctly then!
  2. Any chance of making it so other people can use it? I'd love it for my desktop background!
  3. That offer you can get elsewhere at the moment. I can't remember where but maybe on hotukdeals?
  4. IIRC they will be able to make Twitter abide by the UK laws because it is being made available here. Not sure how much though considering Twitter can hardly be held responsible for what everyone posts. I Imogen CTB must be pretty pissed off by now though.
  5. I think we were in Royal Circle. I can't remember exactly where but it was bottom floor near the back in the centre. The place itself isn't massive inside so when I say back it isn't THAT far back.
  6. Yeah, I went for tickets that weren't incredibly expensive so they were on the lower level nearer the back and the view was absolutely fine. It is sloped and you'll be fine having a person in front. The person in front of me (or next to me?) kept looking at their phone and it was so bright, this was the one downside, people will have to sit next to you! I think for me the tickets were £50 each ish? So not really expensive for the great show I was able to see! You won't regret it!
  7. Daft just missed my movie contest entry out This is hell! The rapture did happen!
  8. Frankie Boyle was obviously the funniest. Howard did have his funny moments. His stand up is also good, but I'm not a fan of his news program.
  9. I got missed out There really is no love. The love was a lie!
  10. Coolness Land! (Ironically under the sea :p)
  11. That's cheating! I think if I had the chance of immortality or nothing else decent (like another superpower) I would take it, so many things could be acheived. Also, for everyone talking about losing the love of your life over and over? Stop falling in love then!
  12. Totally agree, took my girlfriend for her birthday last year, was fantastic!
  13. I'd vote for Rummy at the moment. I think he's mafia, just waiting for Danny to answer questions. How many votes does Rummy have?
  14. Well just like a famous Ryan Giggs dribble round defenders, whoever this CTB is, Twitter has managed to easily pass the injunction block!
  15. Why is the umbrella up? Doesn't look like it's raining!
  16. So I can't Imogen why, but a certain renowned footballer is currently causing a storm on Twitter concerning the injunctions! Oh dear, will tarnish that reputation if it's true!
  17. Dannyboy, I need to know more about what you know. Would the person I was targeting be likely involved with the shouting and gunshots?
  18. Ergo, you will use it on the wrong occasion?
  19. My pm basically says I was going for my target but when I heard gunfire and shouting I turned back. This sounds a lot like Aqui1a's death, does this mean my target was likely involved?
  20. I read that post then completely forgot >_> If people want I can tell them about International Law, least I'm remembering that at the moment.
  21. I don't like the new strip, think I'll stick with the current one for now!
  22. Tales before you go, who else have you targeted for the past few nights?
  23. Rummy what did you do instead? I once again did not reach my target, but this was because I heard gunshots and shouting so I turned back. Why can I not just reach my target for one night!
  24. Thief, pretty sure he's good actually.
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