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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. It arrived for me today, even though delivery estimate was the 24th. Which is a real bitch because I still have one more exam to go before I finish on the 24th! Damn you early deliveries!
  2. I wouldn't mind having Takei blood!
  3. Actually him accusing you of a lie is fair enough, what you said wasn't right. If all the information he had from the what has been said I would have assumed you could kill as well and tested it. I know Jay got it wrong but it is understandable! But you can try to earn my trust, I will let you try :p
  4. Chelsea's player of the year has gone to Ashley Cole. He's played well all season, if only his off the pitch escapades weren't so troublesome!
  5. Boooooooooooooooo! Done over by a free kick in the end. My boys have been strong finishers so far and couldn't put away 6 chances! Hats off to Bubbles FC and ReZ Rabies and Emo Blades though, looked like spectators got their money's worth for those games!
  6. I don't think he acted scummily. Stupidly maybe but not scummily.
  7. Well you heading the lynching of Jayseven also makes me wonder about you.
  8. Yeah part of it is gut feeling part of it is being unsure whether you really are helping. Too many traps/nets/ whatever going around. The annoying part is that there is a new Angus so we just need to find who is no longer fulfilling their roles. I know people have "cleared" Diageo as good, but his now refusal to say what he is doing may mean he has become Angus when he was originally just a mafia member. I know he's an investigator, but he may be the mafia's investigator. Obviously this isn't a strong case against Diageo which is why I'm not voting for him. But someone is now Angus and no longer using their original power and yet we can't find that out!
  9. Remove Vote I'll do it at the end if people aren't willing to look elsewhere but so far I still feel Danny is actually worse.
  10. Damn they cut the best part out
  11. Okay people, whatever happens please don't forget to look at what the most suspicious players do tonight. vote: nintendohnut whilst I still think Eddie is mafia, I guess we might as well get rid of a neutral now.
  12. Who have you targeted since then Aqu1la? What about Peeps and Rummy, what do we know about them?
  13. Why don't we look at people we don't know what they are doing. I think it has been long enough for people to claim their roles now. Eurgh sorry internet playing up >_>
  14. Why don't we look at people we don't know what they are doing. I think it has been long enough for people to claim their roles now.
  15. Was that your traps? I thought that was nintendohnut? When everyone else was caught in the traps as well.
  16. Okay, honestly I still feel uneasy about Dannyboy. Does anyone have any proof he has protected effectively?
  17. Graduate programs starting in October, you sure? :p
  18. I discovered we weren't fwends! You don't have to accept It isn't clearly implied, like I said, it can be seen as either. Of course I "slammed" it down, if she was saying she was a jailkeeper I know that what she said is not possible, thus clear proof if that is what she meant obviously. Even if it is otherwise, he decision not to protect and instead roleblock is not a townie-like role/decision!
  19. Surely you saying you'll be bored was exactly what I was saying? I need a job to stop me from being bored! 2. Ventricle veins in ma leg or something? Usually found in old people! Doing it now before I start job/ PPP insurance runs out (not covered by NHS).
  20. Hopefully this doesn't turn out wrong for me then! Tales, Eddie could have clarified herself by saying I'm a protector OR roleblocker. I'm entitled to read it either way it makes just as much sense, but your adamant behaviour at trying to move it away and vote for me just because I may have got it wrong suggests you're trying to bail out your mafia buddy.
  21. It was pretty bad, I read about it on BBC website. Something about Kirsten Dunst asking to help make a 3-4hour pornography film? WHY THE HELL WOULD HE SAY NO.
  22. Tales is blatantly mafia if it is right. I personally don't know about Eddie's role in this game much, it just so happens I asked Jonnas the same thing. Also Chair I'm too stupid to understand your outwit click but I hope it's a compliment!
  23. How do you know I'm also planning on getting a job to keep me pre-occupied! I also just remembered, think I'm having surgery on my leg which may keep me out for a while
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