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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Just got back from an exams and it wasn't completely terrible! Huzzah!
  2. Surely if ReZ had to go through cycles he would be on cat by now/ he said he used his bear a little while ago, which was out of cycle wasn't it?
  3. You know how ReZ said he has to go through a cycle, didn't he use a bear to protect himself the other day? Which doesn't fit in with his cycle surely.
  4. Exactly, I thought it might just be flavour text for how the killing went down, ReZ got his Ostrich to help him out a bit? But apparently there has been a disclaimer from Jonnas which acknowledges that it really was a dream. THOUGH, ReZ admitted he did track him, so there was in fact an Ostrich there at some point, so I'm not sure what to believe because he must have let the Ostrich into his room which wasn't a dream and that is how the killer managed to get in?
  5. Yeah he does, thats why no-one thinks to lynch or kill him for so long and then he just wins Why do people say it is clearly someone else and not ReZ that does the killing? Why is it not perfectly feasible that he sent his Ostrich and then killed himself?
  6. Make her more curved maybe? Her body just seems too manly, and the breasts seems a little out of proportion but that's anime to a tee
  7. Yeah but it isn't clearly someone else. It is simply something else. The only thing that makes me wonder is that there is usually a description of the killer, and the only thing we are told is about an Ostrich. The supposed Scottish person also speaks in English just before so I don't know.
  8. ReZ just make a couple of changes, it isn't terrible, and the issues are easily addressed.
  9. Well maybe ReZ is Scottish? Anyone can put an accent on anyway. Considering we're up to 51 pages, with no massive concrete evidence and I have lot of exams I'm currently revising for, excuse me if I haven't got the time/been bothered to take notes and keep up to date with a few posts in a threadstack.
  10. So your Ostrich tracks? The description is clearly not showing anything like that. Also, I still don't understand how what you quoted Danny shows they have a Scottish accent?
  11. The general idea may have potential but the actual design itself at the moment needs work.
  12. Where in the write-up does it suggest a Scottish accent again Danny?
  13. Once again I've completely missed a post sorry ReZ didn't see what you said about tracking. What do each of your animals do then?
  14. She looks like a cross-dresser with her build. Looks too manly to me for it to actually be a girl. Also the eyes seem to be in too much detail with the lines within the green part of the eye.
  15. I thought an Ostrich would be mentioned in your list when I saw it in the write-up. Is it really a coincidence about this Ostrich in the write-up? Maybe he wasn't asleep and you sent the thing in there to confuse him. Maybe you're evil! Vote: ReZ I realise this is a bit of a far out theory.
  16. My pikmin powers were going to be hard to use with so few nights and having no clue what they did. Would have been hard to work out what each does. I died anyway straight off >_<
  17. See its your explanations that I find hard to believe. Jonnas was expecting you to simply speculate that you may be the brother? That seems so random to me. I honestly have no idea who to believe. Also, for the list: I am a jailkeeper. I am not a bullfighter for the umpteenth time. Personally, my only questions that I don't even know if they will help with are: ReZ what are all the animals at your disposal? Jay, what have you done for the past few nights?
  18. Oh I totally missed Marc was actually Angus. Ma bad.
  19. That isn't the only sensible explanation. The more sensible one is that you are in fact Angus. Also, I vote for Marca before but took it off to avoid him dying before he said anything, but it doesn't really matter. I think Jay is mafia. I would like to know more of his targets since redirecting can cause a few problems/ be sneaky mafia-esque.
  20. So many grammar mistakes O.o Usually I'm against nitpicking when it's for just one little mistake made in a long post, but this little sentence has really irked me for some reason. I'm sticking with my Xbox360 and although I've been get random desires to buy a PS3, there aren't any major exclusives that have meant I need to buy a PS3. If they brought out a new Kingdom Hearts or ZOE I probably would though!
  21. I like reading things.
  22. My mate taking your job says he say you come into their training thing the other day he thinks.


    Two worlds colliding. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  23. Can you dirty trix him in time for my match against him on Friday?
  24. Hey I come here to see when the next Walking Dead is out. I have no place to "read" invincible so no reading of such a poor comic for moi.
  25. This isn't the 'mock the thread' thread ReZ :p
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