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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I'm not mafia I tell you! I just investigated you and found out you're the same as Haden! A sneaky dirty-tricking manager! You must be mafia along with him! People I urge you to vote for this scumnag instead!
  2. Oddy, didn't you keep them on when you were also admin :p
  3. Got my start date today for my job in London after Uni. 3rd October, leaves a massive amount over Summer to do what I want!
  4. Moria may call dirty tricking a low-blow but he isn't afraid to use them. I've sure you've done me a couple of times before bitch!
  5. IIRC they were in fact winning for most of the game!
  6. You should be fined if Blackpool did, which by the way they did. Holloway threatened to resign if they got done and apparently he took his notice to the board who obviously said no! But in all seriousness, to field a weakened side could cause trouble with all the relegation facing sides since it means they may have gain valuable points. OF course this is all speculation.
  7. I didn't say it was impossible, I just think it would be a bit mean to shaft a player unless they were inactive.
  8. Eurgh damn you United midfield! I wish Giggs would retire already :p Second half was better from us, but still not enough! Shows you deserve the title I guess. As for Eddage's comment, if you field a weakened side, I would hope you were fined considering Blackpool were unfairly charged earlier on in the season even though all the players were within their 25 man squad.
  9. I think 1. is quite unlikely since this is a game and it would be unfair to just get rid of a player so evilly, even for mafia!
  10. Because I didn't plan it thoroughly, I just did what I thought for a quick 10minute break from revision. Why don't you both do it instead if you think you an do sooooo much better.
  11. Rummy, this target each other to boost up is what I find ridiculous. Instead target yourself, see what you find. How many votes does Marcamillian have? I want to at least give him a chance to say something.
  12. Hasn't it already been revealed by now?
  13. I think MadDog, Jayseven and Marcmillian and Zell are the least talkative according to the post counter.
  14. Ten minutes on MSPaint has produced this: The W is made of the R leg and the e is part R part O :p I'm quite proud of the e, it doesn't look half bad after cutting and rotating! Thought I'd procrastinate with a crap effort :p
  15. I think this idea of Dazz and Rummy targeting each other is stupid. Don't waste your time, there must be something more constructive you could do. Also I've realised that Zell's excuse for blocking Nintendohnut last night may be a lie. Nintendohnut mistakenly suggested that I decided to block him, when it was Zell. Zell has won many mafia games and I think he'd pay more attention than simply taking a chance. I think something is amiss there.
  16. I think Cube or Marc should say who the leader is. It is a clear chance for anyone else with information on that person to come forth.
  17. Who targetted Nintendohnut last night?
  18. Danny, what happened to you yesterday...
  19. I think we may be looking for very few if not one person with all these roleblockers and protectors and not much else going on. Nintendohnut was protected, what happened to Danny? I'm guessing we don't know a Lord James? How do you know he is next in line for the throne Cube?
  20. I'm not consistently doing it, only like 2 times.
  21. I meant Dazz, sorry looks like it was too early for me as well. Maybe you should say more then ReZ :p
  22. No ReZ you haven't read correctly. In fact it looks like you've missed my posts and Zell's and just taken Nintendohnut's into account >_>
  23. Well I'll remove vote so no-one can quickly lynch him. I'm not sure what to believe, do we know a Jeoffrey Mustang? Also Eddie, I can be your spanish superman if you want I'm a better version because I can make paella!
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