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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Looks like the top league is turning into the SPL with me and Oddy running away with it! Next two games are vital. Bring on your sneakiness Oddy.
  2. Pre-ordered!
  3. Seems a bit harsh, probably over the line. Then again maybe not
  4. I can't bring myself to re-make goatse personally! The picture scares me as it is. I'll think about what to draw whilst revising and hopefully make something terrible in my break.
  5. Happy Birthday both of you!
  6. Am I allowed to post Goatse?
  7. Mr Agent Gibbs, to input a youtube video you need only put in the letters and numbers found after the "=" in the link.
  8. Seth does use quite a few flinstones references in his shows.
  9. Well you're both right now. Sort it out boyo!
  10. That's just Caris trying to be funny and failing. You'll get used to that.
  11. The Jetsons and Flintstones crossover was godlike.
  12. Yeah! Woo!
  13. The fans didn't personally stop the 100% definite goal. Suarez did the most dickish thing and just made it worse, where was the sportsmanship. It was a kick and whilst I did say it wasn't something dangerous, a simple push to the floor earns someone a red card so in all honesty so should kicking out at someone.
  14. Typical biased dribble. He "tapped" his foot. It was a kick, which could have been a red card, it wasn't terrible terrible but those are the rules. Any him getting a red card then celebrating when the penalty was missed is a dickish thing to do.
  15. I know, Beirut and Mumford and Sons and the Vaccines! I'm thinking of what to say on facebook later. So far all I've come up with is, "Luke why do you keep having to be a c#!t?" Not very inventive but hopefully effective
  16. Thought you said you missed the train because of other people at the station not your head? Make up your mind! Turns out a guy who I once considered my best friend who was selling me tickets to go see Arcade Fire (I was doing him a favour by buying them rather than proper site because he wanted rid), said he wanted to go and a week later is selling on viagogo just to make some profit. What a dick. Me and someone else in our group were going to go but now he's just been a complete dick. That's just wrong.
  17. His reaction to Dawson for one and his display in against Ghana is enough for anyone to think he is a cheating dick. He has ability admittedly but what a cheat.
  18. I'm just late now. Sorry! Hope you both had a good birthday! Shame about Liverpool though Nando
  19. Vote: Aqu1la Unless Dyson or Mr-Paul is lying the trail ends with you.
  20. Er Nintendohnut, Jay said he was waiting to get his pm's from Jonnas earlier on. I don't think Jay is good so I'll lay down another vote. Vote: Jayseven
  21. I think Aqu1la has something to do with this inferno, although how it has involved me, Mr-paul and Dyson I do not know.
  22. Dyson, what did you do last night?
  23. I honestly tried my name Ellmeister, ellmeister and even Ellemeister because people usually spell it wrong because I thought that I would be in there compared to others. Although, I guess I post in a lot of playground threads and others have been here longer possibly.
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