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Everything posted by martinist

  1. i'm allways going to be using the sandisk SD cards when i get one, untill then i'll be using the internal memory, although i heard it will only accept 512mb and 1Gb SD cards, whys that i wonder?
  2. i allways flick through the manual whilst setting up the console for the first time, it gives you alot of helpfull info, and when i have some spare time i'll have a sit down and read the entire thing
  3. i haven't saw the advert yet but i might catch a glimps of it during peak hours (like during i'm a celebrity)
  4. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger. I bought the book after watching ghost in the shell seeing they made refrences to it, its the best damn book i've read so far. I'm also into the lazy mans way of reading a.k.a audiobooks, i bought about six audiobooks off of eBay, i still haven't finnished yet though.
  5. go get a bloody part-time job
  6. i'm 18, i was referred to this forum by Gaggle 64 and i joined when i was 17 i think that was a couple of months ago
  7. i'm just wondering about the start up disk, what the hell is that thing going ot be used for i wonder, i know it can't be a firmware up-date
  8. at the bottom of the viewing window a green download button can be seen click on that to download it, but be warned, it takes up to 38 hours for that file (1.28 Gb)
  9. no idea, maybe it was to add more functionallity to the controler, + and - can do alot of things where as pause and return can do just one
  10. 9:00am-9:15am Friday December 8th GAME in Dumfries hopefully
  11. http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/features/onthespot/index.php?tag=topslot;action;1&om_act=convert&click=topslot click on click here at the end of the third paragraph on the left
  12. i'm kind of worried, well not really, but i just found out that i'm number 46 in my GAME pre-order que for the wii but i don't know their stock allocation yet. Do you think it would be possible for me to get a launch day wii?
  13. If you want to see a re-run of this marathon or download it(all five hours or so) go to this address http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/features/onthespot/index.php?tag=topslot;action;1&om_act=convert&click=topslot and click on "click here" at the end of the third paragraph on the left. This will be up untill midnight on thursday night/friday morning. this weeks on the spot showcases Red Steel and next weeks on the spot will also be wii related.
  14. tonight at 7:00pm GMT (12:00pm Western) gamespot will be hosting a wii marathon at http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/features/onthespot/index.php?tag=topslot;action;1&om_act=convert&click=topslot
  15. I doesn't care, change it if you want, its your name
  16. there was a nice Zelda poster in this months Ngamer, it is now hanging on my wall next to its friends
  17. its a cool little conference if you click on the windows icon next to Regi-fits-amie conference
  18. martinist


    i have no idea what flaming is
  19. martinist


    apollogies..... punnishes self
  20. MB:BB kicks total world dominating ass
  21. I shall be picking up hopefully 2x wiis 2x zelda TP 1x Super Monkey Ball 1x Classic controler total price (after gift card subtraction): £464.94 Virtual console: SMB
  22. i went down to GAME today an it turns out i'm number 46 on the pre-order list. GAME better get more then 47 wiis or i won't be a happy chappy
  23. they said they would call when they had my Wii in stock so maybe thats why i haven't got a letter
  24. Day two of my endevour and still i have no letter from GAME, which has brought me to the conclusion that: 1. my GAME are not sending out letters 2. my GAME are too small to be confirming pre-orders 3. my GAME all ready have enought wii's to fill the pre-orders i'll just head down to GAME on december 8th and present my slip and money letter or no letter
  25. Still no letter from GAME today, maybe tomorrow. Or maybe my GAME is just too small to send out letters or that they allready have enough Wii's to fill the pre-orders. I didn't give them my address when i pre-ordered but they already must have it. I don't think my GAME are taking pre-orders any more so thats quite a relaxing thought
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