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Everything posted by martinist

  1. mine is going on top of my TV
  2. yeay donky kong
  3. what frequency is your wavebird on, maybe its out of sync with the little grey box thing
  4. i'll be picking up a classic controler with my wii, i never played a snes before so the controler will be a new thing for me, i wonder what the latch on the back of the classic controler is though, strange. Plus i've allready got an astranged GC controler below my tv along with my fathfull GC, i guess i'll use whatever works out the best.
  5. yes, yes it was, i now hate acer with all my heart
  6. this is exactly what happened to my laptop, whenever i tried ot play music and DVDs the sound started to stutter and break up and it took forever to boot up, i tried a system restore and it worked for a while but it came back again and then my programs kept on crashing, i think it was because i downloaded a certian program like MSN or Steam or somthing like thet, i got a replacement and it happened again, eventually i ended up returning it and i got my money back (£400) i am now using this to buy 2 wiis for gaggle and me, alls well that ends well i suppose.
  7. nintendos going to own this war (possibly)
  8. i agree the capitalists diserve to die
  9. Virtual Console
  10. its just a stupid score, i'm still going to buy the game and its probebly going to be the best damn thing i've ever played
  11. this is the funniest damnthing i've ever seen in my entire life...he bursts through a bloody wall for gods sake, this film was probebly done with the female audience in mind due to the incredible amount of man-boobs and male flesh although there are a couple of filer scenes where he is constently trying to have sex. The movie basicly goes like this: action, sex, action, action, sex, action, card game, sex and then all three at once. felix was also a nice add-on to the film, being so big and black and all with has big manly blackness and empty prommises (telling bond he get the guy and then falling asleep) all in all this is the best damn bond film yo date even though the actor was a blond bloke 9/10 this tells us all to bursh through walls
  12. i have to carry around two wiis hopefully, that is going to be hell, and i have to take the bus all the way to Thornhill to drop one of them off, its going to be a bad day for me
  13. so its just the regular japanese add except it's in english...it dosn't sound too good but...I MUST SEE THE ADD!!! HAXXZOR!
  14. if you didn't pre-order a US wii your probebly going to be F'd in the A i can't go because i don't have the money, although i am kind of loaded at the moment (WOO £700, YEAY!)
  15. i might be getting this allong with warioware...WARIOWARE!!!!
  16. and that is why i don't drink, common sence rules
  17. no idea, it would be cool if you could though
  18. Metallica - Master of Puppets, i'll give it 8/10
  19. is the date for the seccond shipment of consoles the same for all retailers?
  21. my odeon does
  22. i'll be seeing this with stan and gaggle on thursday night hopefully
  23. i just use composit cables for everything (those red,yellow and white wires) gasp....looks interesting.
  24. i'm allways going to be using the sandisk SD cards when i get one, untill then i'll be using the internal memory, although i heard it will only accept 512mb and 1Gb SD cards, whys that i wonder?
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