I got my wii today!!!
at 7:30am GAME opened and i rushed inside with my pre-order reciept up to the chasheir, he then said "congratulations your the first in this town to get a wii" i was so extatticly happy as he handed over my wii with zelda and monkey ball.
at 8:45am i got the bus home gawking at the boxes on the way, around 9:30am i got home and started setting the thing up, after that i turned it on and went through the system set-up thingy and then on to the wii channels menu.
i then connected to wii connect 24 and up-dated the console (it only took a couple of minutes), it took me a while to ajust to pointing the wii remote at the sensor bar insted of the TV, and then on to wii sports, played a bit of tennis and bowling and then came on to the forum to tell you all about it.
And thats generally my wii-tastic day so far.