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Everything posted by martinist

  1. martinist commands you to eat her brains
  2. alot of these people are quitting
  3. playing wii in a car would just be inconvenient
  4. looks like you just got OWNED!
  5. Knocking on Heavan's door - i think its by guns and roses
  6. Happy Gilmore Rush Hour 1/2 Billy Madison Click Akira
  7. bought it today, along with a few CDs
  8. you can never go wrong with a guy playing guitar in your avatar, also beware of Enzo, for he is hungry
  9. no, you evil people, don't legalize this "weed" i had a friend who smoked it and he turned out a right ass hole, hes a right norb now.
  10. Mr Motivator!!! woo, i'm really hoping that Shilpa gets evicted tonight, she just complains about everyting, second to go would be that bloke with the frizzy hair that thinks hes a ned
  11. i was to light to begin with (about 9 stone) so i had to gain some weight, although i liked it the way i was
  12. i got an acer laptop for my birthday and after a while the sound started to brake up and crackel, i returned it and got a replacement but the same thing happened to that laptop too, eventually i returned that one and got my money back. Apparently it was the disk drive on the laptop, it was made by sony and wasn't really that "compatible" with the make of the laptop. Anyway i got my money back and bought a wii i just bought Super Mario Bros. off of the VC
  13. *plays cheery music and dances around*
  14. i know i've won plenty of stuff i just can't remember what it is...there is one thing though, i won a bowling trophy a couple of years ago
  15. voted for her, your right, Sabrina is one ugly bitch
  16. agreed 10 chars
  17. Zach Thomas, "i take drugs and hate gays, i'm an egoexcentric prick"
  18. the word "chib" as in, "i'll chib yae" meaning "i'll injur you"
  19. i had some teeth out when i was i kid, they put me to sleep and i woke up crying, i had appendicitous to but i didn't have to have it removed, the doctor just put me to sleep and when i woke up the pain was gone, i still get a pain in my right side sometimes but it calms down and goes away eventually
  20. your horoscope for today is the best damn song hes got
  21. i watched this, its the best damn sitcom i've ever seen
  22. i got my DSM off of ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160068689876&rd=1&rd=1
  23. the towers of london guy is a shit, this makes me ashamed to be of the same nationallity as him, and the old director bloke is a right prick too, nothing much happened in the show last night, the tol bloke was being a right rude ass hole and that old director bloke got naked for some reason
  24. wtf...10 years for only two colours?? this is attrochous
  25. Satan's videogame all-stars
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