Zeldafreak breaths in the fresh air, upon inhailing i punch you in the chest and bust your lungs therefor causing you to suffocate to death.
Gives an advent brand laptop
The early first couple of pokemin eppisodes which i call the red and blue series was a class act of cartooning brilliance, whats the deal with this "Advanced Battle" series, were did Misty and Brock go!, now hes beeing followed by some fillopino whore and her brother, and whats the deal with changing his cap. THE CAP WAS WHAT MADE HIM!
My first name Martin, Latin, meaning "Warlike / Violent"
My middle name, Francis, Latin, meaning "Free Man"
My last name Irving, Celtic, meaning "Handsome and Fair"
Lylatewars: Beating andross' brain and escaping the complex
Mario 64: finishing the damn game
Harvest Moon AWL: Getting to the seccond chapter (its so damn long)
Super Smash Bros Melee: Beating challenge 51