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Everything posted by martinist

  1. it looks like it wants to rape me 8/10
  2. A cannibalistic orange wearing sun glasses, what more could you want? 9/10
  3. They are selling the first series of pokemon (the series i grew up watching) on amazon.co.uk but its only R1 DVDs.
  4. Welcome, allways good to see new people around here. Its way too hot today, i went into Burtons with winter clothes on and came out in a newly bought pair of shorts and a t-shirt which made me feel a bit better. Went around town and this guy was preaching about god and how he was a practacing homosexual but is now married and has children. Saw gaggle64's brother in town which was nice. Then i got too hot and came back here.
  5. 0_o i hear Steve Blum...must...buy....now!! the movie looks awesome in my opinion. It'll be nice to actually see a movie that has a grip on the games plot.
  6. and i thought scottish nationalists were bad ¬_¬ these guys are huge, raging, flaming phalluses
  7. i saw Predator not too long ago on TV and that scene was completely in tact
  8. *sniff* Shenmue 3....*sob* When you start a story you finish it damn it!
  9. True Lies is great just for "your fired" the rest of the movie isn't bad either, although i found his daughter to be a total bitch.
  10. same. i've been here for just over 2 years now i think. Also this forum isn't crawling with the usual idiots and fanboys i usually find around these kind of boards. You guys are actually normal, civilised people. Although when i first joined Nintendork really pissed me off, i just wanted to strangle him.
  11. cat fight with boxing style commentary
  12. the most epic trailer of E3 08
  13. ¬_¬ mirrors edge isn't listed for the xbox 360 yet.... i'll be pre-ordering: Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Mirrors Edge Shaun White Snowboarding looks pretty good on the 360, so i might consider it. Also maybe Sonic Unleashed.
  14. Police Story Jackie Chan as a cop shooting guys and launching them through pains of glass...nothing more than brilliant, although the english dubbing is shit. Has to be watched in chinese with subs to be fully appreciated 9/10
  15. 40 second loading times plus human/hedgehog make out session.
  16. my nerds arrived today and those boxes are fliping huge! they also flung a free pack of chocolate M&Ms in there too, but i prefered the popping candy they threw in with my last order. I haven't seen a pack of popping candy in years ¬_¬
  17. you bought a broken link for a tenner? i think you may have been riped off, or possibly blind at the time. EDIT: damn thats pretty good for £10
  18. Cybercandy £2.90 for a single box and £32.99 for a case of 12
  19. can't say i've ever been drunk in my entire life. I wouldn't really like it tbh, after seeing what it does to other people. I pretty much only drink on ocasion.
  20. I wanted to be a pilot, the airspace over my village is military airspace so we get alot of low flying fighter jets so i decided then that i wanted to become a pilot. I almost achieved that but then i went shortsighted in my left eye, they threw me out like last nights rubish. I also became fairly interested in child psycology back when i had schizophrenia which i may look into one day. Thinking about trying out for the police force since the entrance exam is piss easy also. I always wanted to know what it was like to be a cop, probably not very good going by what my mother has been saying.
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