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Everything posted by martinist

  1. part 1 part 2 Remember that kids gameshow Knightmare? which ran from 1988 to 1994 where the kids couldn't give good directions or spell correctly, almost allways resulting in their friend falling into a CG pit. I loved that show.
  2. I've only ever used the London Underground during the few days i was there for a weding. It was a laugh though. Like the time we were coming back from the Apollo this guy and his friend got on who was totaly drunk. He was leaning against the side and bending down with a carrier bag full of beer, almost falling flat on his face and generally acting like a tit. The entire car i was in was in hysterics.
  3. Soul Caliber 4 review
  4. Prince of Persia Retrospective
  5. Its the advert by the BHF that got released last night.
  6. Never played FF7, I want to see what all the fuss is about. £50 brand new and sealed.
  7. Spent most of my day watching the olympics, then i noticed the cat returns was on film 4. So i watched that while drinking a bottle of pear cyder. Now i feel all warm and tired. Also i noticed that they are now selling N64s with goldeneye and Mario 64 on game.co.uk for £25 along with FFVII and Occarina of time. Might consider picking one up later.
  8. Ninja Gaiden 2 review
  9. >_< its threads like these that remind me of my epic failure of 3 years ago.
  10. i seem to remember someone on this forum buying about 10 bars at once when they brought them back for a while. Can't remember who though.
  11. i wonder if they are going to bring back whispa gold too.
  12. "if a virgin train departs from Edinburgh at 2:00pm for London traveling at a constant 70mph, how late will the train be"?
  13. fat kid wants to be left alone
  14. The Lion King, i think i was about 4 or 5 around then.
  15. those have got to be the most impracticle shoes i've ever seen.
  16. 100% pure-bread Scottish; my mum is Scottish and my dad is Scottish, therefore i am Scottish. Simple as that. Wales isn't part of the union at all. It would be on the flag if it was right? maybe i'm just confused.
  17. found it in the HWYD thread, looked interesting so i bought it.
  18. be warned; i may take you up on that offer....
  19. it looks like it wants to rape me 8/10
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