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Everything posted by martinist

  1. i'm exaggerating, the thing is they do it allmost all the time.
  2. i'm on the 18th or so, around this time everyone just cries for no apparent reason
  3. lost winds, might consider getting Dr Mario as well if i feel like it
  4. "the only thing that would make this gun better is if it had tits and was on fire"
  5. I'd say just act normal. I almost got a job as a clerical assistant, it was down to me and some girl but that girl managed to get the job. Because she was a lying little bitch and put a load of faulse crap on her CV. One day i shall find her and give her a stern talking to.
  6. Painkiller
  7. i would quite enjoy that...pix please ^_^
  8. I usually sleep on my left side with my legs slightly bent, but every once in a while i'll sleep in a kind of ball shape with my legs pressed up against my chest and my arms around myself.
  9. yeah that guy. Quite funny commentary from this guy.
  10. i've been watching a play through of the original on you tube to try and remind myself of the gameplay. The last time i played it was on my old N64 in 2001....ah memories
  11. why don't you just watch the race? or check the results on teletext or somthing....
  12. Looks like my uncle is going to die. My mothers sister just phoned a minute ago and now my parents have rushed off to Coatbridge to see him screeming about organ failure and low blood pressure.
  13. Harvest Moon: A Wonderfull Life; First harvest moon game i got my hands on and it took me a while to get into it because the first year seemed to go on forever. But after that i really got into it. It also convinced me to buy the DS version.
  14. i did somthing like that once...i took a nap in the middle of a street. Wasn't the smartest thing to do but then again i'm not a very smart person to start with.
  15. I went to bed at around 4:30am this morning, the sun was just starting to rise and the birds were out when i finally decided to go to bed. Woke up at about 12:00pm
  16. went to see it on Friday night, best musical i've ever seen. So i bought the soundtrack. £7.99
  17. Well i'm finally back after spending 3 days in the land of the English...wasn't too bad, although they were allways checking my scottish notes which was a pain, wondering what strange and new currentcy it was. The first day was spent just getting unpacked. The second was spent walking around London for the day. I basically acted like a tourist for the day. My mum was confused about the underground system and had to ask my aunt what the heck to do. We went to that mall owned by that Alfyied guy nad i'm amazed at how anyone can affored that crap. Went to see wicked at the Apollo, absolutly awesome...and i should think so for £60 a ticket. By this time i was shattered and decided to go back to the hotel, so i got on at victoria station and switched to the Jubilee line. At the next stop some drunk guy got on, couldn't speak but he could still stand all be it in his own way. He eventually found a seat next to my aunt and began reading her magazeen. Problem was when she turned a page he turned it back. By this time the entire train car was in histerics and we were basically pissing ourselves back to the hotel. On the wedding day we were carted around on those big red double decker busses with that white ribbon tied to the bonnet, and "congratulations on your wedding day" plastered on the destination board. Took us the the gun pub first where champaign was allways on hand, eventually they came round with little mini spring rolls and tiny cups of fish and chips which was kind of nice. Also a photographer was allways walking around taking pictures of people in "natural poses" as she said. After about 2 hours of that then we got carted to the four seasons hotel and had dinner, although i guess you couldn't really call it dinner. It was all that huge plate, small portion stuff which i can't recall the name of. Then a ceilidh was started up...and the bride's side of the family didn't know what the heck to do, they had a caller though all be it not a very good one. By this time everyone was smashed, including myself which is alot to say because i'm not much of a drinker, hooray for peer pressure i guess. Enough of my ranting, if anyone wants to see pictures just ask because i don't want to fill more space and make this post longer than it allready is. Bad grammer, spelling errors and all.
  18. Bill O'Reilly flips out remix
  19. Thety can happen just about asny timre, can't really find a cause foir them either. Might cvonsider getting one of those 24 houur ECG's just tio be safe.
  20. I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead. Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.
  21. i think that looks like a beach skink...
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