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Everything posted by martinist

  1. is Keichi being played by a girl? or just a really girlie looking man?
  2. usually gets released around 6:00pm GMT
  3. martinist

    GTA IV

    Haven't really seen an army yet. All i've seen are N.O.O.S.E I think their the armies replacement or somthing. It would be pretty wierd to see a tank rolling down the street in this game anyway
  4. ummmm... i'll com back later when i can understand whats been going on 0_o
  5. martinist

    GTA IV

    do you get everything for shooting all the birds besides the achievment?
  6. martinist

    GTA IV

    the amount of money you get off of Packie after doing the bank robbing mission is insane! i went from $35000 to $285000 and i was like NO WAI!
  7. long meaningless conversations about how to eat confectionery lasting almost half an episode FTW!!
  8. try putting this IP address into your browser's address bar: it should bring you to your routers setting menu. log in as the administrator using the username and password ADMIN (not in caps) that should let you change the routers settings
  9. martinist

    GTA IV

    i'm doing a mission for packie called waste not what knots. First time i tried the mafia guys shot me and the second time i got out with the duffle bag got in the car and drove into an allyway. I must have run over somthing because my car immediatly exploded. I'm down to around $35000 because of hospital bills ¬_¬
  10. ok then, if Rez' internet doesn't go back up by the end of the week then i forfeit. This was dragging on too long for me anyway.
  11. thats because your a shotgun whore
  12. Rezorceman didn't show up...waited about 45 minutes for him ¬_¬
  13. i think you mean this: sorry its kind of bright. Think it was a VHS conversion
  14. I slept untill 1:00pm went to the shops and came back here. What a day this has been.
  15. ok i'll be up for that, see you then
  16. Oh snap! i remember watching this years and years ago. Spider is on youtube you say? I FUCKING LOVED SPIDER!
  17. no problem, heard her over your mic, sounds like a real naggy woman. We'll try again sometimes but we really have to get this done this week, no exceptions.
  18. Ok i'm sitting in an empty room now, you guys can just join whenever.
  19. Finally after many months of puting it off i eventually finished watching Haruhi last night. Haven't decided if i want to watch it again in chronological order though, think i'll wait till a bit later. Started watching something last night called Kyouran Kazoku Nikki. Its all kinds of wierd, not sure how to describe it.
  20. vote: Harper
  21. martinist

    GTA IV

    Lazlows station, i think its called integrity 2.0 is unlocked when you get to Algonquin. The one with star junction and middlepark and stuff.
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