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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. I would love that! But I'm leaving now :/ Are you game Sunday or after midnight? We should get 4 players online that would be sweet
  2. The Tom Clancy's Hawkx demo is out and I loved it! The game features a 4player Jump-in co-op mode, which I just love. Dog fights and team based Multiplayer. Download the demo and share your thoughts.
  3. I loved the first BF:BC and 1943 is a Must buy for me Have you seen the developers walk through? 1942s wake island now with the frostbite engine Love it
  4. YaY and Ney. The game is a bit of both. I think I had to high expectations but It's still great fun. I'm enjoying it. Found it hard to put down and just "had" to play until the next savepoint each time I reached one.
  5. Damn this game is great! After testing it I just had to buy the BANG BANG BOX Game + novel + 2 Hand Cannons for under the price of a normal game in Norway
  6. Been playing with bots and it's quite fun. Fun fact of the day: the ISA faction logo is nearly the same as the norwegian post logo!
  7. Lets find out I'm getting an error message, So It doesn't look the servers are there. Network error code : 4002
  8. Bad news for us Scandinavians (Nor/Swe/Dan), The game is delayed until early next week
  9. @jav: How many levels are there?
  10. I love the Skirmish mode. Played through it with both unsc and covenant on heroic. Love the covenant scarab and prophet Gonna be awesome in co-op online
  11. <3 360 So here is a taste of my weeks ahead. Killzone2-> Deadly Creatures->house of the dead Overkill-> Fear 2-> 50 cent [Co-op]-> Street Fighter 4 -> Halo wars <3 -> Resident evil 5. Games in bold are games I currently have. DAMn thats a full packed time of fun and joy (all games that are on 360 will of course be bought on the 360 and not PS3)
  12. My game arrived today No House of the dead though :/ Can't wait to get home from work.
  13. Not being hyped is a good thing. I had too high expectations.
  14. sweet I'm on mission 4 now I think. But gotta go wake up my lady friend soon :/ I just wanna play.
  15. It has arrived and I got it for free ^^ Life is goooood
  16. This baby just arrived. I played through the first few levels, and I'm glad to say that it impressed me a lot more than the Demo. The game does not require any install which was a huge surprise. And the story part that starts the game is amazing and makes the start of the game (Demo part) much more interesting. The story Graphics are insanely amazing, and the in game graphics aren't far behind. Controls are like they where in the demo, rubbish. But using alternative 2 with hold to zoom and increased sensitivity makes the controls way better. Music is epic and enemy animation is one the the best character animation I have seen to date. First mission lets you drive a tank which was cool, and the tank controls where tight and satisfying. And there will be more vehicle missions later. Having given it all that praise I feel I have to say that the game has it faults. It does not break any new ground, the controls could be better (I hope there is a patch). And the missions are so generic that it hurts some time. In one part of the mission you man a turret and have to gun down enemies, only to find out that there's an infinite enemies spawn nearby. :| After realizing the spawn pattern I moved forward and then the enemies stop spawning. Having just one primary weapon is a drag, and the weapons aren't as cool as the weapons in Killzone 1. I do miss that alternative fire form that game. The game also briefly freezes when loading a new area. Bottom line. The game is great. It deserves the praise it's getting. It doesn't do anything new, but for the most part does everything it does better than the rest. The missions so far isn't all that. But I hope the later missions will be better. I'm off to play some more now. Just ask any questions. If any one else has the game early I would love to play some MP.
  17. Superman 2 Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second... Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel... Miss Lane who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour hits them and lands softly when she should in theory be sliced into three equal pieces.
  18. The girl is amazing. And I'm seeing past the differences now. We do have a lot of common interests, so having a great time together is almost a certainty. The differences so far only makes me more mesmerized by her. I don't mind a Winter Girlfriend :p
  19. Solid Advice from all of you One of the worst things about going with it is the fact that I think I'll end up hurting her feeling later down the road. And just to clarify, I do date people that is different from my self. Most Differences only make a relationship more exciting. But so far I've only dated women that "qualified for marriage" (not that I normally think longterm). But why get serious and waste years on a doomed relationship. I thank again for the input so far I'll just tell her I want to take it slow at first. And try to stay away from other girls for the time being.
  20. It's said that opposites attract, but I don't want a ugly dumb girl [/JK]. But in all seriousness, something strange is happening to me. I'm think I'm falling for a girl that is the opposite of what I go after. She's not even my type of attractive. I can't seem to understand why I like her. But when ever I am with her I get a sensation of joy, And when I'm not with her I want to be. I think that If I and her enter a relationship I will get bored of her. And our differences are deal breakers when I think about marriage etc (But I can't think about that now). But right now I love spending time with here, but to make things worse, I totally overstepped the friend barrier last night. I know she likes me a lot. Luckily she's going away for Christmas which gives me time to think. So what experiences do you guys have on this? Do you date outside your comfort zone? They say variation is the spice of life. Do I go down the rabbit hole and see where it leads, or do I take the safe route of dating only my "type".
  21. IMO there's a lot of things wrong with that article/Blog post.
  22. I LOVE IT! <3 (home that is) FU Real life, I'm moving HOME
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